Bahasa Indonesia
Etimologi Inggris
Etimologi lain
-(a)(t)or |
-ator (English or Dutch) |
a- |
a-, an- (English or Dutch) |
a- (Sanskrit)
ab- |
ab- (English or Dutch) |
abaka |
abaca |
abaktinal |
abactinal |
abakus |
abacus (English or Dutch) |
abakus |
abacus (English or Dutch) |
abiogenesis |
abiogenesis |
abis |
abyss |
abisal |
abyssal |
abyssaal (Dutch)
aborijin |
aborigine |
aborsi |
abortion |
abreaksi |
abreaction |
abrupsi |
abruption |
absente |
absentee |
absonan |
absonant |
absorb |
absorb |
absorben |
absorbent |
absorbens (Dutch)
absorpsiometer |
absorptiometer |
absorptif |
absorptive |
abstain |
abstain |
abstensi |
abstention |
abstrak |
abstract |
ad- |
ad- |
ad- (Dutch)
adaks |
addax (English or Dutch) |
adaktil |
adactylous |
adaptabel |
adaptable |
adaptabilitas |
adaptability |
adaptometer |
adaptometer |
adaptor |
adaptor |
adenosis |
adenosis |
adhesif |
adhesive |
adiabatik |
adiabatic |
adiaktinik |
adiactinic |
adiksi |
addiction |
adiktif |
addictive |
adiposa |
adipose |
adipositas |
adiposity |
adisional |
additional |
adjektiva |
adjective |
adjectief (Dutch)
adjektival |
adjectival |
administrator |
administrator |
administrateur (Dutch)
admitans |
admittance |
adolesens |
adolescence |
adrenal |
adrenal |
adrenalin |
adrenalin |
adrenaline (Dutch)
adrenergik |
adrenergic |
adsorben |
adsorbent |
adsorbens, adsorbent (Dutch)
adstringen |
astringent |
aduktor |
aductor |
adveksi |
advection |
adventisia |
adventitia |
adventisius |
adventitious |
advertorial |
advertorial |
aerator |
aerator |
aerob |
aerobe |
aeroob (Dutch)
aerobatik |
aerobatics |
aerobik |
aerobic |
aerobika |
aerobics |
aerofisika |
aerophysics |
aerofisiologi |
aerophysiology |
aerogram |
aerogramme |
aerolit |
aerolite, aerolith |
aëroliet (Dutch)
aerologi |
aerology |
aërologie (Dutch)
aerometer |
aerometer |
aërometer (Dutch)
aeronautika |
aeronautics |
aëronautiek (Dutch)
aeroplankton |
aeroplankton |
aëroplankton (Dutch)
afasia |
aphasia |
afiksasi |
affixation |
afirmasi |
affirmation |
afirmatif |
affirmative |
afotik |
aphotic |
afrasia |
aphrasia |
afrodisiak |
aphrodisiac |
agamet |
agamete |
agameten (Dutch)
agamogenesis |
agamogenesis |
agatis |
agathis |
agensi |
agency |
agens (Dutch)
agitatif |
agitative |
aglikon |
aglycon |
aglutinat |
agglutinate |
aglutinatif |
agglutinative |
aglutinin |
agglutinin |
agnosia |
agnosia |
agnostik |
agnostic |
agon |
agon |
agon |
agone |
agorafobia |
agoraphobia |
agrafia |
agraphia |
agrafie (Dutch)
agriologi |
agriology |
agrisilvikultur |
agri- (English or Dutch) |
agrobisnis |
agrobusiness |
agrostologi |
agrostology |
airport |
airport |
ajufan |
adjuvant |
ajuster |
adjuster |
akademik |
academic |
akatalepsia |
acatalepsia |
akaun |
account |
akene |
achene, akene |
aklimatisasi |
acclimatization |
acclimatisering (Dutch)
akomodatif |
accomodative |
akreditasi |
accreditation |
akriflavina |
acriflavine |
akrilik |
acrylic |
akrofobia |
acrophobia |
acrofobie (Dutch)
akrometer |
acrometer |
akromion |
acromion |
akseleran |
accelerant |
akselerometer |
accelerometer |
aksentologi |
accentology |
aksentual |
accentual |
aksentuasi |
accentuation |
accentuatie (Dutch)
akseptabilitas |
acceptability |
akseptor |
acceptor |
akses |
access |
aksesibilitas |
accessibility |
aksesori |
accessory |
aksesoris |
accessories |
aksila |
axilla |
aksiologi |
axiology |
aksis |
axis |
aksostil |
axostyle |
akting |
acting |
akting |
acting |
aktinida |
actinida |
aktinik |
actinic |
aktinisme |
actinism |
aktiviti |
activity |
aktor |
actor |
acteur (Dutch)
aktual |
actual |
actueel (Dutch)
aktualisasi |
actualization |
aktuasi |
actuation |
akualung |
aqualung |
akuamarin |
aquamarine |
aquamarijn (Dutch)
akuaris |
aquarist (English or Dutch) |
akuatik |
aquatic |
akuifer |
aquifer |
akun |
account |
akuntansi |
accountancy |
akunting |
accounting |
akurasi |
accuracy |
akustika |
acoustics |
akustisian |
acoustician |
alari |
alari |
albatros |
albatross |
albatros (Dutch)
albinoid |
albinoid |
albuginea |
albuginea |
albumen |
albumen |
albuminoid |
albuminoid |
aleksandrit |
alexandrite |
aleksia |
alexia |
aleksin |
alexin |
alga |
alga |
alge (Dutch)
algoid |
algoid |
algologi |
algology |
algometer |
algometer |
alifatik |
aliphatic |
alikuot |
aliquot |
alimenter |
alimentary |
alimentair (Dutch)
alisiklik |
alicyclic |
alizarin |
alizarin(e) |
alizarien (Dutch)
aljibra |
algebra |
alkalinitas |
alkalinity |
alkaloid |
alkaloid |
alkaloïde (Dutch)
alkalometri |
alkalometry |
alkana |
alcanes |
alkanen (Dutch)
alkena |
alkene |
alkeen (Dutch)
alkil |
alkyl |
alkoholik |
alcoholic |
alkoholisasi |
alcoholization |
alkoholometer |
alcoholometer |
alkuna |
alkyne |
all in |
all in |
alo- |
allo- (English or Dutch) |
alobar |
allobar |
alofon |
allophone |
alograf |
allograph |
aloi |
alloy |
allooi (Dutch)
alokron |
allochrone |
alomerisme |
allomerism |
alomorf |
allomorph |
allomorf (Dutch)
alonim |
allonym |
alloniem (Dutch)
alopati |
allopathy |
allopathie (Dutch)
alopesia |
alopecia |
alotropi |
allotropy |
allotropie (Dutch)
alteratif |
alterative |
alternasi |
alternation |
alumina |
alumina |
alveolar |
alveolar |
alveolaar (Dutch)
alveolus |
alveolus |
amalgamator |
amalgamator |
amanitin |
amanita |
amaniet (Dutch)
amatol |
amatol |
ambasador |
ambassador |
ambergris |
ambergris |
ambergrijs (Dutch)
ambi- |
ambi- (English or Dutch) |
ambiguitas |
ambiguity |
ambiguïteit (Dutch)
ambilingual |
ambilingual |
ambliopia |
amblyopia |
ambulatori |
ambulatory |
ameba |
ameba, amoeba |
amoebe (Dutch)
amebiasis |
amoebiasis (English or Dutch) |
ameboid |
ameboid |
amoeboide (Dutch)
amebosit |
amebocyte |
amoebocyt (Dutch)
ameliorasi |
amelioration |
amelioratif |
ameliorative |
amensalisme |
amensalism |
amerisium |
americium (English or Dutch) |
amfetamin |
amphetamine |
amfetamine (Dutch)
amfi- |
amphi- |
amfi- (Dutch)
amfiartrosis |
amphiarthrosis |
amfiston |
amphistomum |
amigdalin |
amygdalin |
amilase |
amylase |
amilopektin |
amylopectin |
amina |
amine (English or Dutch) |
amino |
amino (English or Dutch) |
amitosis |
amitosis |
amitose (Dutch)
amnesia |
amnesia |
amnesie (Dutch)
amnion |
amnion (English or Dutch) |
amniotik |
amniotic |
amonium |
ammonium (English or Dutch) |
amoral |
amoral |
amoreel (Dutch)
amperometri |
amperometry |
ampisilin |
ampicillin |
ampli |
amplifier |
amuba |
ameba, amoeba |
amoebe (Dutch)
ana- |
ana- (English or Dutch) |
anabasis |
anabasis |
anabiosis |
anabiosis |
anaerobik |
anaerobic |
anafilaksis |
anaphylaxis |
anafora |
anaphora |
anafora (Dutch)
anafrodisiak |
anaphrodisiac |
anakoluton |
anacoluthon |
anakronis |
anachronic |
anakrus |
anacrusis |
analeptik |
analeptic |
analgesik |
analgesic |
analisis |
analysis |
analitikal |
analytical |
anamnesis |
anamnesis (English or Dutch) |
anamorfosis |
anamorphosis |
anaptiksis |
anaptyxis |
anastomosis |
anastomosis |
androgen |
androgen |
aneks |
annex |
anemia |
anaemia |
anemie (Dutch)
anemofili |
anemophily |
anemogram |
anemogram |
anemometer |
anemometer |
aneroid |
aneroid |
anestetis |
anestethic |
aneuploid |
aneuploid |
aneurisme |
aneurism |
aneurisma (Dutch)
anil |
anil (English or Portuguese) |
anisogamet |
anisogamete |
anisogami |
anisogamy |
anisotropis |
anisotropic |
anisotroop (Dutch)
ankilosis |
ankylosis |
ankylose (Dutch)
anodin |
anodyne |
anoksemia |
anoxaemia |
anoxemie (Dutch)
anoksik |
anoxic |
anortopia |
anorthopia |
anosmia |
anosmia |
antalkali |
antalkali |
antasid |
antacid |
ante- |
ante-, anti- (English or Dutch) |
anteliks |
anthelix |
antelmintik |
anthelmintic |
antenul |
antennule |
anteridium |
antheridium |
anterior |
anterior |
antiartritik |
antiarthritic |
antibarion |
antibaryon |
antibiosis |
antibiosis |
antibiotik |
antibiotic |
antibodi |
antibody |
antidepresan |
antidepressant |
antidioksida |
antidioxide |
antidot |
antidote |
antiflogistik |
antiphlogistic |
antigen |
antigen(e) |
antigeen (Dutch)
antihistamin |
antihistamin |
antihistamine (Dutch)
antikatalis |
anticatalyst |
antiklin |
anticline |
antiklinal |
anticlinal |
anticlinaal (Dutch)
antiklor |
antichlor |
antichloor (Dutch)
antinovel |
antinovel |
antipartikel |
antiparticle |
antipiretik |
antipyretic |
antiproton |
antiproton |
antiproton (Dutch)
antiseptik |
antiseptic |
antisiklogenesis |
anticyclogenesis |
antisiklon |
anticyclone |
anticycloon (Dutch)
antisiklonis |
anticyclonic |
antisipatif |
anticipative |
antitesis |
antithesis |
antitoksin |
antitoxin |
antitoxine (Dutch)
antitragus |
antitragus |
antosian |
anthocyan |
antraknosa |
anthracnose |
antropometer |
anthropometer |
anturium |
Anthurium |
anturium (Dutch)
anual |
annual |
anuitas |
annuity |
annuïteit (Dutch)
aparatus |
apparatus |
apendektomi |
appendectomy |
aphelion |
aphelion |
apheliotropisme |
apheliotropism |
apikal |
apical |
apicaal (Dutch)
aplasia |
aplasia |
aplikatif |
applicative |
apnea |
apnoea |
apodal |
apodal |
apoenzim |
apoenzyme |
apoge |
apogee |
apokrifa |
apocrypha |
apocrieven (Dutch)
apokromatik |
apochromatic |
apologia |
apologia, apology |
apomorfin |
apomorphine |
apomorfine (Dutch)
apopleksi |
apoplexy |
apoplexie (Dutch)
aposematik |
aposematic |
aposiopesis |
aposiopesis (English or Dutch) |
aposisional |
appositional |
appositioneel (Dutch)
apositif |
appositive |
apostolik |
apostolic |
apostolisch (Dutch)
apresiatif |
appreciative |
apresiator |
appreciator |
apron |
apron |
araknitis |
arachnitis |
araknoid |
arachnoid |
ararut |
arrowroot |
arbitrator |
arbitrator |
arboreal |
arboreal |
arborikultur |
arboriculture |
area |
area |
areografi |
areography |
areola |
areola (English or Dutch) |
argentit |
argentite |
argirodit |
argyrodite |
argol |
argol |
argon |
argon (English or Dutch) |
argumentatif |
argumentative |
Aries |
Aries |
aril |
aril |
aristotipe |
aristotype |
aritenoid |
arytenoid |
arkifonem |
archiphoneme |
archifoneem (Dutch)
arkileksem |
archilexeme |
arkitraf |
architrave |
aromatik |
aromatic |
aromatik |
aromatic |
arsenik |
arsenic |
arsipelago |
archipelago |
arsis |
arsis |
arsonis |
arsonist |
arteri |
artery |
arteriola |
arteriole |
arteriosklerosis |
arteriosclerosis |
artifisial |
artificial |
artifisialitas |
artificiality |
artik |
arctic |
arctisch (Dutch)
artikulator |
articulator (English or Dutch) |
artisan |
artisan |
artrobrankium |
arthrobranch |
artropoda |
arthropod |
ase |
AC |
aseksual |
asexual |
asembling |
assembling |
asepsis |
asepsis (English or Dutch) |
aseptik |
aseptic |
aset |
asset |
asetabulum |
acetabulum |
asfiksia |
asphyxia |
asibilan |
assibilant |
asidimeter |
acidimeter |
asidosis |
acidosis |
asiklik |
acyclic |
asilabis |
asyllabic |
asilum |
asylum |
asimilatif |
assimilative |
asimtot |
asymptote |
asymptoot (Dutch)
asinus |
acinus |
asinyor |
assignor |
askariasis |
ascariasis |
askarid |
ascarid |
ascaride (Dutch)
askon |
ascon |
askorbat |
ascorbic |
asparaga |
asparagus (English or Dutch) |
asparagus |
asparagus |
astatik |
astatic |
astatisch (Dutch)
astatin |
astatine |
astenia |
asthenia |
ast(h)enia (Dutch)
astenik |
asthenic |
astenopia |
asthenopia |
asteroid |
asteroid |
asteroïde (Dutch)
astringen |
astringent |
astrolab |
astrolabe |
astronaut |
astronaut (English or Dutch) |
astronautika |
astronautics |
astrosit |
astrocyte |
asumtif |
assumptive |
ataksia |
ataxia |
atebrin |
Atebrin |
atenuasi |
attenuation |
atmolisis |
atmolysis |
atmologi |
atmology |
ato- |
atto- |
atomisasi |
atomization |
atraktan |
attractant |
atresia |
atresia |
atrisi |
attrition |
au |
AU |
audiensi |
audience |
audio- |
audio- (English or Dutch) |
audio |
audio |
audio |
audio |
audiofil |
audiophile |
audiovisual |
audiovisual |
audit |
audit |
auditor |
auditor |
augmentatif |
augmentative |
augmentatief (Dutch)
auksanometer |
auxanometer |
auksin |
auxin |
auxine (Dutch)
aura |
aura (English or Dutch) |
aural |
aural |
aurum |
aurum |
austin |
Austin |
aut |
out (of play) |
autarki |
autarchy, autarky |
autarchie, autarkie (Dutch)
autarkis |
autarkic |
autarkisch (Dutch)
autentisitas |
authenticity |
authenticiteit (Dutch)
autistik |
autistic |
auto- |
auto- |
auto- (Dutch)
autodidaktik |
autodidactic |
autodidactisch (Dutch)
autodin |
autodyne |
autofon |
otophone |
otofoon (Dutch)
autolisis |
autolysis |
autologi |
otology |
automaton |
automaton |
automotif |
automotive |
autoskop |
otoscope |
autotoksin |
autotoxin |
autotrop |
autotroph |
autotropik |
autotrophic |
avalans |
avalanche |
avgas |
avgas |
aviasi |
aviation |
aviator |
aviator |
avionik |
avionic |
avitaminosis |
avitaminosis |
avokat |
avocado |
advocaat (Dutch)
azeotrop |
azeotrope |
babun |
baboon |
backing |
backing |
badminton |
badminton |
bairup |
buoy rope |
bajet |
budget |
bakterin |
bacterin |
bakteriolisis |
bacteriolysis |
bakteriostatik |
bacteriostatic |
bakterisida |
bactericide |
balalaika |
balalaika (English or Dutch) |
balot |
ballot |
bandana |
bandanna |
bāṇdhnū (Hindi)
bandela |
bundle |
bando |
bandeau (English or Dutch) |
banian |
banyan |
bankrap |
bankrupt |
bantam |
bantam (English or Dutch) |
bar |
bar (English or Dutch) |
bar |
bar |
barbel |
barbell |
barber |
barber |
barbier (Dutch)
barbital |
barbital (American-English) |
barbiton |
barbitone |
barel |
barrel |
barion |
baryon (English or Dutch) |
barisfer |
barysphere |
barysfeer (Dutch)
barita |
baryta |
barli |
barley |
barometri |
barometry |
barotermograf |
barothermograph |
barter |
barter |
basikal |
bicycle |
basil |
basil |
basilika |
basilica |
basilus |
bacillus |
basin |
basin |
baskat |
waistcoat |
basket |
basket |
batolit |
batholith |
baud |
baud |
bazoka |
bazooka (American-English) |
bebi |
baby (English or Dutch) |
behaviorisme |
behaviourism |
behaviorisme (Dutch)
bek |
back (English or Dutch) |
beking |
backing |
bekles |
backless |
bekpe |
backpay |
belangkin |
(shoe) blacking |
bemberg |
bamberg |
ben |
band (English or Dutch) |
bendi |
bandy |
vaṇṭi (Tamil ) atau baṇḍi (Portuguese)
benefaktif |
benefactive |
bengker |
bunker (English or Dutch) |
benzil |
benzyl |
benzoat |
benzoate |
benzoin |
benzoin |
berek |
barracks |
berilium |
beryllium |
berus |
brush |
besikal |
bicycle |
beskap |
waistcoat |
bestialitas |
bestiality |
bestialiteit (Dutch)
bet |
bat (English or Dutch) |
bet |
badge |
bi- |
bi- |
bi- (Dutch)
bibliomania |
bibliomania |
bienial |
biennial |
bikameral |
bicameral |
bikini |
bikini |
bikromat |
bichromate |
bil |
bill |
bilateralisme |
bilateralism |
bilbor |
billboard |
bilga |
bilge |
bilier |
biliary |
bilineal |
bilinear |
bilingual |
bilingual |
bilinguaal (Dutch)
bilirubin |
bilirubin |
biner |
binary |
binair (Dutch)
bingo |
bingo |
bio- |
bio- |
bio- (Dutch)
biodata |
biodata |
biodegradasi |
biodegradation |
biofilm |
biofilm |
biogenesis |
biogenesis |
biogenik |
biogenic |
biolinguistik |
biolinguistics |
biolit |
biolith |
biomekani |
biomechanics |
biometrika |
biometrics |
bionomika |
bionomics |
bioritmik |
biorhythmic |
biostatika |
biostatics |
biota |
biota |
biotek |
biotic |
biotiek (Dutch)
biotik |
biotic |
biotin |
biotin |
biotoksin |
biotoxin |
bipedal |
bipedal |
bipolar |
bipolar |
bipolaritas |
bipolarity |
biprisma |
biprisma |
birokratik |
bureaucratic |
birokratisme |
bureaucratism |
bis |
base |
bisbol |
baseball |
biseksual |
bisexual |
biseksualitas |
bisexuality |
biseksualiteit (Dutch)
bisinosis |
byssinosis |
bisnis |
business |
bisnismen |
businessman |
bit |
bit |
bitel |
The Beatles |
blabitisme |
(to) blab |
blastostil |
blastostyle |
blazer |
blazer (English or Dutch) |
blenda |
blende |
blender |
(food) blender |
blister |
blister |
blok |
block |
bloking |
blocking |
bloking |
blocking |
blonda |
blonde |
blower |
blower |
blujin |
blue jeans |
bob |
bob (English or Dutch) |
bobin |
bobbin |
bobine (Dutch)
bodi |
body |
bodigar |
bodyguard |
bogi |
buggy |
boi |
boy |
boikot |
boycott |
bois |
boyish |
boks |
box |
box (Dutch)
bokset |
box set |
bol |
bowl |
boling |
bowling |
bolpoin |
ball point |
bomber |
bomber |
bonanza |
bonanza |
bonsai |
bonsai (English or Japanese) |
bora |
bora |
border |
border |
boron |
boron |
bos |
boss |
boson |
boson (English or Dutch) |
bosun |
bosun (boatswain) |
botol |
bottle |
bottel (Dutch) atau bottiglia (Portuguese)
botridium |
botrydium |
bradikardia |
bradycardia |
brakilogi |
brachylogy |
brakisefalik |
brachycephalic |
brakistokron |
brachistochrone |
brakiurus |
brachyurous |
braktea |
bractea |
bras |
brass |
breksia |
breccia |
bren |
Bren gun |
brendi |
brandy |
bridge |
bridge |
brifing |
briefing |
brilkrim |
Brylcreem |
briofita |
bryophyte |
briozoa |
Bryozoa |
British |
British |
broiler |
broiler |
brokade |
brocade |
broker |
broker |
bromin |
bromine |
bromisme |
bromism |
bronkioli |
bronchioles |
bronkodilator |
bronchodilator |
bronkotomi |
bronchotomy |
bronkus |
bronchus |
brutalisasi |
brutalization |
bubo |
bubo |
bugi-bugi |
boogie-woogie |
bujet |
budget (English or Dutch) |
buklet |
booklet |
buldog |
bulldog |
buldog (Dutch)
buldoser |
bulldozer (English or Dutch) |
bulgur |
bulgur |
bulin |
bowline |
bolina (Portuguese)
bum |
boom |
bumping |
bumping |
bungalo |
bungalow |
bungker |
bunker (English or Dutch) |
burgundi |
burgundy |
bursa |
bursa |
butadiena |
butadiene |
butang |
button |
botao (Portuguese)
can |
chance |
capelin |
Chaplin |
carter |
charter |
cas |
charge |
cash |
cash |
catering |
catering |
cek |
to check |
cekdam |
check dam |
ceking |
checking |
cempiang |
champion |
cempin |
champagne |
ceri |
cherry |
cif |
chief |
cip |
chip |
civics |
civics |
cocktail |
cocktail |
coin |
coin |
coklat |
chocolate |
chocolate (Dutch)
colt |
Colt |
cop |
chop |
coverage |
coverage |
cuk |
choke (English or Dutch) |
cup |
cup |
cutni |
chutney |
daiman |
diamonds |
dakron |
Dacron |
daktil |
dactyl |
daktilitis |
dactylitis |
dalfin |
dolphin |
dulfīn (Arabic)
daltonisme |
Daltonism |
daltonisme (Dutch)
dambel |
dumb bell |
damping |
dumping |
darling |
darling |
dasbor |
dashboard (English or Dutch) |
daster |
duster(-coat) |
databank |
data bank |
dating |
dating |
de- |
de- |
de- (Dutch)
de |
de- (English or Dutch) |
debit |
debit |
deeskalasi |
de-escalation |
defeksi |
defection |
defender |
defender |
defensi |
defence |
deferens |
deference |
deflasioner |
deflationary |
defoliasi |
defoliation |
deforestasi |
deforestation |
dehidrasi |
dehydration |
dehidrat |
dehydrate |
deiksis |
deixis (English or Dutch) |
deinstitusionalisasi |
deinstitutionalization |
dekanal |
decane |
dekantasi |
decantation |
dekapoda |
decapod |
dekare |
decare |
deklarator |
declaratory |
deklerer |
declarer |
deklinometer |
declinometer |
dekode |
decode |
dekoder |
decoder (English or Dutch) |
dekomposer |
decomposer |
dekongestan |
decongestant |
dekorator |
decorator |
dekremeter |
decremeter |
dekreolisasi |
decreolization |
delisting |
delisting |
deltoid |
deltoid |
delusi |
delusion |
delusif |
delusive |
demand |
demand |
demarkatif |
demarcative |
demo |
demonstrator |
demo |
demo(nstration) |
demoniak |
demoniac |
demonstrator |
demonstrator |
denasalisasi |
denasalization |
dendi |
dandy |
dandy (Dutch)
dendritik |
dendritic |
dengue |
dengue (English or Dutch) |
denominasi |
denomination |
denominatie (Dutch)
densitometri |
densitometry |
densometer |
densometer |
dentat |
dentate |
dentin |
dentin |
dentis |
dentist |
denuklirisasi |
denuclearization |
dependen |
dependent |
depolitisasi |
depolitization |
depopulasi |
depopulation |
deposit |
deposit |
deputi |
deputy |
derebar |
driver |
derek |
derrick |
deril |
drill |
dril (Dutch)
dermis |
dermis |
desain |
design |
desain |
design |
desainer |
designer |
desalinasi |
desalination |
desensitisasi |
desensitization |
desi- |
deci- |
deci- (Dutch)
desikan |
desiccant |
desikator |
desiccator |
desiliun |
decillion |
desinens |
desinence |
desmonem |
desmoneme |
destroyer |
destroyer |
desulfurisasi |
desulfurization |
detergen |
detergent |
deteriorasi |
deterioration |
detritus |
detritus |
developer |
developer |
di- |
di- |
di- (Dutch)
dia- |
dia- |
dia- (Dutch)
diad |
dyad |
diafon |
diaphone |
diaforetik |
diaphoretic |
diagenesis |
diagenesis |
diagnosis |
diagnosis |
diagnostik |
diagnostic |
diagraf |
diagraph |
diakritik |
diacritic |
dialektal |
dialectal |
dialinguistik |
dialinguistics |
dialisis |
dialysis |
diamorf |
diamorph |
diasistem |
diasystem |
diatermik |
diathermic |
diatesis |
diathesis |
diatonik |
diatonic |
dielektrik |
dielectric |
difluensi |
diffluence |
digenesis |
digenesis |
digit |
digit |
diglosia |
diglossia |
digraf |
digraph |
digraaf (Dutch)
dihedral |
dihedral |
dihidroksil |
dihydroxyl |
diklorida |
dichloride |
dichloryde (Dutch)
dikroisme |
dichroism |
dikromat |
dichromate |
dikromatik |
dichromatic |
dilatometer |
dilatometer |
dilematik |
dilemmatic |
diler |
dealer |
dilivium |
dilivium |
dimorfik |
dimorphic |
dinamisasi |
dynamization |
dingo |
dingo |
dioksin |
dioxin |
diopsida |
diopside |
dioptase |
dioptase |
dipsomania |
dipsomania |
direktori |
directory |
dis- |
dis- |
dis- (Dutch)
dis- |
dys- |
dys- (Dutch)
disagio |
disagio (English or Dutch) |
disartria |
dysarthria |
disbursemen |
disbursement |
disekuilibrium |
disequilibrium |
Disember |
December |
disfonia |
dysphonia |
disilabik |
disyllabic |
disilusi |
disillusion |
desillusie (Dutch)
disinformasi |
disinformation |
disinsentif |
disincentive |
disintegrasi |
disintegration |
disintegratif |
disintegrative |
disko |
disco |
diskoid |
discoid |
diskon |
discount |
diskriminatif |
discriminative |
diskriminatoris |
discriminatory |
diskursus |
discourse |
dislalia |
dyslalia |
disleksia |
dyslexia |
dismenorea |
dysmmenorrhea |
disorder |
disorder |
disorganisasi |
disorganization |
disorientasi |
disorientation |
disosiasi |
dissociation |
dispareunia |
dyspareunia |
disparitas |
disparity |
dispenser |
dispenser |
dispepsia |
dyspepsia |
disprosium |
dysprosium |
distal |
distal |
distaal (Dutch)
distilator |
distillator |
distortif |
distortive |
distosia |
dystocia |
distributor |
distributor |
disuasi |
dissuasion |
diuresis |
diuresis |
diuretik |
diuretic |
divestasi |
divestment |
dodekagon |
dodecagon |
dodekahedron |
dodecahedron |
dokar |
dogcart |
doking |
docking |
dokudrama |
docudrama |
docudrama (Dutch)
dolar |
dollar |
doldrum |
doldrums |
dolikosefalik |
dolichocephalic |
domein |
domain |
domein (Dutch)
domestik |
domestic |
domestikasi |
domestication |
dominion |
dominion |
donat |
doughnut |
donor |
donor (English or Dutch) |
doping |
doping |
dorman |
dormant |
dormansi |
dormancy |
dorsum |
dorsum |
double |
doubles |
double (Dutch)
draf |
draft |
dragon |
dragon |
drakula |
Dracula |
Dracula (Dutch)
dram |
drum |
drum (Dutch)
dramatik |
dramatic |
dramben |
drumband (English or Dutch) |
draperi |
drapery |
draperie (Dutch)
draw |
draw |
drif |
drift |
dril |
drill |
dril (Dutch)
dril |
drill |
drillen (Dutch)
drip |
drift |
drop |
drop |
drop |
to drop |
droping |
dropping |
drum |
drum |
drum |
drum (English or Dutch) |
drumer |
drummer (English or Dutch) |
dub |
dub |
dubing |
dubbing |
dum |
dump |
dumdum |
dumdum |
dumi |
dummy |
duo |
duo |
duo (Dutch)
duopoli |
duopoly |
duralumin |
duralumin |
durasi |
duration |
durometer |
durometer |
eboni |
ebony |
edema |
oedema |
edentat |
edentate |
edit |
to edit |
editing |
editing |
editor |
editor |
editorial |
editorial |
efeminasi |
effeminacy |
egalitarian |
egalitarian |
egalitarianisme |
egalitarianism |
egoistis |
egoistic |
egoïstisch (Dutch)
egomania |
egomania |
eidetik |
eidetic |
eklektisme |
eclecticism |
eclecticisme (Dutch)
ekolalia |
echolalia |
ekospesies |
ecospecies |
ekotipe |
ecotype |
eks- |
ex- |
ex- (Dutch)
eks |
ex (English or Dutch) |
eks |
ex |
ex (Dutch)
eksaminasi |
examination |
eksampel |
example |
eksegesis |
exegesis |
eksekutor |
executor |
eksepsional |
exceptional |
exceptioneel (Dutch)
ekseptor |
exception |
ekshibisi |
exhibition |
ekshibisionis |
exhibitionist (English or Dutch) |
ekshibisionisme |
exhibitionism |
exhibitionisme (Dutch)
eksipien |
excipient |
eksis |
exist |
eksistensial |
existential |
existentieel (Dutch)
eksit |
exit |
ekskavator |
excavator |
eksklusivistik |
exclusivistic |
ekskursif |
excursive |
ekso- |
exo- |
exo- (Dutch)
eksoergik |
exoergic |
eksofasia |
exophasia |
eksofora |
exophore |
eksoftalmus |
exophthalmos |
eksorsis |
exorcist (English or Dutch) |
eksospora |
exospore |
eksostosis |
exostosis |
eksoterik |
exoteric |
eksotermik |
exothermic |
eksotik |
exotic |
ekspansionis |
expansionist |
ekspatriasi |
expatriation |
ekspatriat |
expatriate |
ekspektoran |
expectorant |
eksper |
expert |
eksperimental |
experimental |
experimenteel (Dutch)
eksperimentasi |
experimentation |
eksplan |
explant |
eksploitatif |
exploitative |
eksploratoris |
exploratory |
eksponensial |
exponential |
ekspos |
expose |
ekstensifikasi |
extensification |
ekstensor |
extensor |
eksterior |
exterior |
eksteriorisasi |
exteriorization |
eksteritorialitas |
exterritoriality |
eksternal |
external |
eksternalisasi |
externalization |
ekstra- |
extra- |
extra- (Dutch)
ekstradisi |
extradition |
ekstrakardial |
extracardial |
ekstraktif |
extractive |
ekstrakurikuler |
extracurricular |
ekstramarital |
extramarital |
ekstraterestik |
extraterrestrial |
ekstraterestrial |
extraterrestrial |
ekstrateritorial |
extraterritorial |
ekstrateritorialitas |
extraterritoriality |
ekstravert |
extravert (English or Dutch) |
ekstrover |
extrovert (English or Dutch) |
eksudasi |
exudation |
eksudat |
exudate |
ekto- |
ecto- |
ecto- (Dutch)
ektoblas |
ectoblast |
ektoderm |
ectoderm |
ektohormon |
ectohormone |
ektoparasit |
ectoparasite |
ektoterm |
ectotherm |
ektotermik |
ectothermic |
ekuatif |
equative |
ekui- |
equi- |
equi- (Dutch)
ekuiti |
equity |
ekumenisme |
ecumenism |
ekzos |
exhaust |
elastin |
elastin |
elaun |
allowance |
elektif |
elective |
elektret |
electret |
elektris |
electric |
electrisch (Dutch)
elektro |
electrotechnology |
electrotechiek (Dutch)
elektroforesis |
electrophoresis |
elektrolisis |
electrolysis |
elektromagnetik |
electromagnetic |
elektromiografi |
electromyography |
elektromotif |
electromotive |
elektronik |
electronic |
elektronis |
electronic |
elektronisch (Dutch)
elektroterapeutika |
electrotherapeutics |
elektrotipe |
electrotype |
elektrum |
electrum |
elemi |
elemi |
elemi(hars) (Dutch)
elevator |
elevator |
elipsometer |
ellipsometer |
elipsometri |
ellipsometry |
elitis |
elitist |
elpiji |
eluat |
eluate |
eluen |
eluent |
elusi |
elution |
elutriasi |
elutriation |
eluviasi |
eluviation |
e-mail |
email |
embolisme |
embolism |
embolus |
embolus |
embosur |
embouchure (English or Dutch) |
embrionik |
embryonic |
e-mel |
email |
emetik |
emetic |
emfisema |
emphysema |
emisivitas |
emissivity |
emitans |
emittance |
emosional |
emotional |
emotioneel (Dutch)
emosionalisme |
emotionalism |
empiema |
empyema |
empiris |
empiric |
empirisch (Dutch)
emporium |
emporium |
emulsifikasi |
emulsification |
enakmen |
enactment |
enamel |
enamel |
enamel (Dutch)
enartrosis |
enarthrosis |
endemis |
endemic |
endemisch (Dutch)
endemisitas |
endemicity |
ending |
ending |
endo- |
end(o)- (English or Dutch) |
endokardium |
endocardium (English or Dutch) |
endometriosis |
endometriosis |
endomiksis |
endomixis |
endomisium |
endomysium |
endosi |
endorsee |
endoskeleton |
endoskeleton |
endosmosis |
endosmosis |
endotermal |
endothermic |
endrin |
endrin |
energetik |
energetic |
enfitotik |
enphitotic |
enjin |
engine |
enklitik |
enclitic |
enkode |
encode |
enkulturasi |
enculturation |
ensefalitogen |
encephalitogen |
ensefalomielitis |
encephalomyelitis |
ensefalon |
encephalon |
ensiform |
ensiform |
ensiklopedia |
encyclopaedia |
ensiklopedis |
encyclopaedic |
encyclopedisch (Dutch)
entero- |
entero- |
entero- (Dutch)
enterostomi |
enterostomy |
enterotoksin |
enterotoxin |
enterovirus |
enterovirus |
ento- |
ento- |
ento- (Dutch)
entogenus |
entomogenous |
entom(o)- |
entom(o)- (English or Dutch) |
entozoa |
entozoa |
entozoik |
entozoic |
entri |
entry |
enzimatik |
enzymatic |
enzootik |
enzootic |
eosen |
eocene |
eosin |
eosin |
epi- |
ep(i) - |
epi- (Dutch)
epifaring |
epipharynx |
epifisis |
epiphysis |
epifitotik |
epiphytotic |
epifora |
epiphora |
epigastrium |
epigastrium |
epiglotis |
epiglottis |
epiglottis (Dutch)
epigramik |
epigrammatic |
epikotil |
epicotyl |
epileptik |
epileptic |
epimisium |
epimysium |
epinasti |
epinasty |
epinefrina |
epinephrine |
episiklik |
epicyclic |
episodik |
episodic |
epispora |
epispora |
epitaksi |
epitaxy |
epitelioma |
epithelioma |
epitermal |
epithermal |
epitet |
epithet |
epizoik |
epizoic |
epizootik |
epizootic |
epoksi |
epoxy |
erbium |
erbium |
erektor |
erector |
erepsin |
erepsin |
erg |
erg |
ergasiofit |
ergasiophyte |
ergonomika |
ergonomics |
ergot |
ergot |
erodinamik |
aerodynamic |
aerodynamisch (Dutch)
eropanisasi |
Europeanization |
erosol |
aerosol |
aërosol (Dutch)
erotika |
erotica |
erotisisme |
eroticism |
erotisme |
erotism |
esai |
essay |
esek |
sex (English or Dutch) |
esensial |
essential |
esensialitas |
essentiality |
eskalator |
escalator |
eskapis |
escapist (English or Dutch) |
eskavator |
excavator |
eskrim |
ice cream |
esoteris |
esoteric |
esoterisch (Dutch)
estetik |
aesthetic |
estimasi |
estimation |
estradiol |
estradiol |
estriol |
oestriol |
estuari |
estuary |
estuarin |
estuarine |
etmoid |
ethmoid |
etnik |
ethnic |
etno- |
ethno- |
etno- (Dutch)
etnobotani |
ethnobotany |
etnofarmakologi |
ethnopharmacology |
etnosentris |
ethnocentric |
etnocentrisch (Dutch)
euforia |
euphoria |
eugenol |
eugenol |
eukarion |
eukaryon |
eukariota |
eukaryote |
eulogi |
eulogy |
eurasia |
Eurasia |
Eurazië (Dutch)
eutanasia |
euthanasia |
euthanasie (Dutch)
eutektik |
eutectic |
eutenika |
euthenics |
eutrofikasi |
eutrophication |
evaluator |
evaluator |
evapotranspirasi |
evapotranspiration |
eversi |
eversion |
eviserasi |
evisceration |
fagositosis |
phagocytosis |
fair |
fair (English or Dutch) |
fair |
fair |
faks |
fax |
faksimile |
facsimile |
fakta |
fact |
faktif |
factitive |
faktisitas |
facticity |
faktual |
factual |
familier |
familiar |
familiair (Dutch)
fan |
fan |
fan |
fan |
fantastis |
fantastic |
fantastisch (Dutch)
faringalisasi |
pharyngealization |
Farisi |
Pharisee |
Farrīsī (Arabic)
fasia |
aphasia |
fasilitator |
facilitator |
fatom |
fathom |
fatometer |
Fathometer |
favoritisme |
favouritism |
fekunditas |
fecundity |
feldspar |
feldspar |
feminin |
feminine |
feminitas |
feminity |
femto- |
femto- |
femto- (Dutch)
fenologi |
phenology |
fenologie (Dutch)
fenomenon |
phenomenon |
feodalistis |
feudalistic |
feodalistisch (Dutch)
feri |
ferry |
fermion |
fermion |
feronikel |
ferronickel |
fertilizin |
fertilizin |
festival |
festival (English or Dutch) |
fibrin |
fibrin |
fibrine (Dutch)
fibrosis |
fibrosis |
fider |
feeder |
fidusia |
fiducia |
fikologi |
phycology |
fiksional |
fictional |
filantropis |
philanthropic |
filantropisch (Dutch)
filaria |
filaria |
filariasis |
filariasis |
filatelik |
philatelic |
filibuster |
filibuster (English or Dutch) |
filo- |
phylo- |
filo- (Dutch)
filo |
Philodendron |
filogenesis |
phylogenesis |
fylogenese (Dutch)
filum |
phylum |
fimbria |
fimbria |
finansial |
financial |
finis |
finish (English or Dutch) |
finisying |
finishing |
fisibel |
feasible |
fisibilitas |
feasibility |
fisiognomi |
physiognomy |
fisiognomis |
physiognomic |
fisioterapis |
physiotherapist |
fitofagus |
phytophagous |
fitometer |
phytometer |
fitosterol |
phytosterol |
fitotoksin |
phytotoxin |
fizikal |
physical |
flat |
flat (English or Dutch) |
fleksibiliti |
flexibility |
fleksor |
flexor |
flis |
fleece |
flit |
flit (English or Dutch) |
floem |
phloem |
flop |
flop |
flop |
flop (English or Dutch) |
floret |
floret |
flotila |
flottila |
flu |
flu |
fluensi |
fluency |
fluoridasi |
fluoridation |
fluorin |
fluorine |
fobia |
phobia |
fokstrot |
foxtrot |
folder |
folder (English or Dutch) |
folikular |
follicular |
fonasi |
phonation |
fonemik |
phonemics |
fonon |
phonon |
fonotaktik |
phonotactics |
fonotipi |
phonotypy |
foramen |
foramen |
foraminifera |
foraminifera |
forensik |
forensic |
forensik |
forensic |
forensisch (Dutch)
forklif |
fork-lift |
form |
form |
vorm (Dutch)
form |
form |
formal |
formal |
formaldehida |
formaldehyde |
formaldehyde (Dutch)
formalisasi |
formalization |
forman |
formant (English or Dutch) |
formika |
Formica |
formica (Dutch)
formula |
formula |
formule (Dutch)
formulasi |
formulation |
formulering (Dutch)
formulator |
formulator |
fornikasi |
fornication |
fortin |
Fortin(‘s barometer) |
forum |
forum (English or Dutch) |
fosfina |
phosphine |
fosforesens |
phosphorescence |
fosforus |
phosphorus |
fosgen |
phosgene |
foto- |
photo- |
foto- (Dutch)
fotograf |
photograph |
fotografer |
photographer |
fotograver |
photogravure |
fotokonduksi |
photoconduction |
fotokonduktivitas |
photoconductivity |
fotokonduktor |
photoconductor |
fotolisis |
photolysis |
fotomikrografi |
photomicrography |
fotoperiodisme |
photoperiodism |
fotosintesis |
photosynthesis |
fotosynthesitch (Dutch)
fotostat |
photostat |
fototropis |
phototropic |
frase |
phrase |
frase (Dutch)
frekuensi |
frequency |
freon |
Freon |
freon (Dutch)
frigidair |
Frigidaire |
frigidaire (Dutch)
front |
front (English or Dutch) |
frontir |
frontier |
fugasitas |
fugacity |
fuksina |
fuchsin |
fumigan |
fumigant |
fumigasi |
fumigation |
fumigator |
fumigator |
fundamental |
fundamental |
fundamenteel (Dutch)
fungistatik |
fungistatic |
fungoid |
fungoid |
fungsional |
functional |
functioneel (Dutch)
fungsionalisasi |
functionalization |
futur |
future |
futuristik |
futuristic |
futuristisch (Dutch)
galaksi |
galaxy |
galibut |
jollyboat |
galiprut |
grapefruit |
galon |
gallon |
galvanometri |
galvanometry |
gambit |
gambit |
gambling |
gambling |
game |
game |
gamet |
gamete |
gametangium |
gametangium |
gametofit |
gametophyte |
gametosit |
gametocyte |
gamopetal |
gamopetalous |
gamosepal |
gamosepalous |
gang |
gang |
gangster |
gangster |
ganir |
gunner |
ganoid |
ganoid |
garmen |
garment |
garnet |
garnet |
gasifikasi |
gasification |
gasket |
gasket |
gasolin |
gasoline (English or Dutch) |
gasometer |
gasometer |
gastrin |
gastrin |
gastronomis |
gastronomic |
gastronomisch (Dutch)
gastrulasi |
gastrulation |
gaun |
gown |
gay |
gay |
gel |
gel |
gelignit |
gelignite |
Gemini |
Gemini |
gena |
gena |
generatif |
generative |
genetik |
genetic |
geng |
gang |
genialitas |
geniality |
genikulum |
geniculum |
genius |
genius |
gentrifikasi |
gentrification |
geofon |
geophone |
geohidrologi |
geohydrology |
geokronologi |
geochronology |
geomansi |
geomancy |
geomansie (Dutch)
geotermal |
geothermal |
geriatrik |
geriatrics |
geriatris |
geriatric |
geriatrisch (Dutch)
germisida |
germicide |
gestur |
gesture |
gestural |
gestural |
gim |
game |
gin |
gin |
gin |
gin |
ginekomasti |
gynaecomasty |
ginglimus |
ginglymus |
ginogenesis |
gynogenesis |
gipsi |
gypsy |
gir |
gear |
girostatika |
gyrostatics |
glamor |
glamour |
glenoid |
glenoid |
glikogenesis |
glycogenesis |
glikolisis |
glycolysis |
glikosida |
glycoside |
glikosuria |
glycosuria |
global |
global |
globaal (Dutch)
glokidium |
glochidium |
glomerulus |
glomerulus |
glomus |
glomus |
glosematik |
glossematics |
glotal |
glottal |
glotalisasi |
glottalization |
glukagon |
glucagon |
glutamat |
glutamate |
go |
go |
gob |
gob |
gobnor |
governor |
gokar |
go-cart |
gol |
goal |
golf |
golf |
golfer |
golfer |
gonad |
gonad |
gonade (Dutch)
gonidium |
gonidium |
gonokokus |
gonococcus |
gorilya |
gorilla |
gosan |
gossan |
gosip |
gossip |
gospel |
gospel |
gostan |
go astern |
gotik |
Gothic |
grader |
grader |
gradualisme |
gradualism |
grafemik |
graphemics |
grafemis |
graphemic |
grafiti |
graffiti |
granolitik |
granolithic |
granular |
granular |
granuloma |
granuloma (English or Dutch) |
granulosit |
granulocyte |
gravel |
gravel |
gred |
grade |
grehon |
greyhound |
grogi |
groggy |
guanidina |
guanidine |
guanin |
guanine (English or Dutch) |
guma |
gumma |
habenula |
habenula |
habituasi |
habituation |
haiking |
hiking |
halazon |
halazone |
halitosis |
halitosis |
halobion |
halobiont |
halotan |
halothane |
hamatum |
hamatum |
hamburger |
hamburger |
hamulus |
hamulus |
handikap |
handicap |
harmonik |
harmonic |
haver |
Haversian canals |
hedonistik |
hedonistic |
hegelianisme |
Hegelianism |
Hegelianisme (Dutch)
hegemonik |
hegemonic |
heks(a)- |
hexa- |
hexa- (Dutch)
heksahedron |
hexahedron |
heksana |
hexane |
hekto- |
hecto- |
hecto- (Dutch)
helicak |
helicopter |
bécak (Chinese)
helikopter |
helicopter |
helikoptère (French)
heliosentrik |
heliocentric |
heliotaksis |
heliotaxis |
helipad |
helipad |
hemeralopi |
hemeralopia |
hemeralopie (Dutch)
hemi- |
hemi- |
hemi- (Dutch)
hemikordat |
hemichordate |
hemodinamik |
haemodynamics |
hemodinamik |
haemodynamic |
hemofilia |
haemophilia |
hemofilie (Dutch)
hemolisis |
hemolysis |
hemolyse (Dutch)
hemopoiesis |
haemopoiesis |
hemoroid |
haemorrhoid |
hemosit |
haemocyte |
hemositometer |
haemocytometer |
hemostasis |
haemostasis |
hemostatik |
haemostatic |
hendel |
handle |
hendel (Dutch)
heng |
hands |
henry |
henry |
hepta- |
hepta- |
hepta- (Dutch)
heptahedron |
heptahedron |
heptana |
heptane |
herba |
herb |
herbal |
herbal |
hereditas |
heredity |
herediter |
hereditary |
heresi |
heresy |
heresie (Dutch)
hero |
hero |
heroik |
heroic |
hesperidin |
hesperidin |
hetero- |
hetero- |
hetero- (Dutch)
heterofemi |
heterophemy |
heterofoni |
heterophony |
heterogamet |
heterogamete |
heterogami |
heterogamy |
heterografi |
heterography |
heteroseks |
heterosexual |
heterosexueel (Dutch)
heteroseksual |
heterosexual |
heterosexueel (Dutch)
heteroseksualitas |
heterosexuality |
heterotrof |
heterotrophic |
hiatus |
hiatus |
hiaat (Dutch)
hibernasi |
hibernation |
hidrasi |
hydration |
hidraulik |
hydraulic |
hydraulisch (Dutch)
hidro- |
hydro- |
hydro- (Dutch)
hidrofili |
hydrophily |
hidrofilik |
hydrophilic |
hidrofit |
hydrophyte |
hidrofobia |
hydrophobia |
hidrofoil |
hydrofoil |
hidrogen |
hydrogen |
hidrogenasi |
hydrogenation |
hidroklorida |
hydrochloride |
hidroksil |
hydroxyl |
hidrolisis |
hydrolysis |
hidrometeorologi |
hydrometeorology |
hidropati |
hydropathy |
hidroponik |
hydroponics |
hifa |
hypha |
higro- |
hygro- (English or Dutch) |
hilofagus |
hylophagous |
hiosiamina |
hyoscyamine |
hiosin |
hyoscine |
hipantium |
hypanthium |
hiper- |
hyper- |
hyper- (Dutch)
hiperbol |
hyperbole |
hyperbool (Dutch)
hiperemia |
hyperaemia |
hiperestesia |
hyperaesthesia |
hiperkinesis |
hyperkinesis |
hipermetropia |
hypermetropia |
hiperon |
hyperon |
hiperopia |
hyperopia |
hiperplasia |
hyperplasia |
hipersonik |
hypersonic |
hipertiroid |
hyperthyroidism |
hipertonik |
hypertonic |
hypertonisch (Dutch)
hipervitaminosis |
hypervitaminosis |
hipis |
hippie(s), hippy |
hipnosis |
hypnosis |
hypnose (Dutch)
hipo- |
hypo- |
hypo- (Dutch)
hipoblas |
hypoblast |
hipodermis |
hypodermic |
hypodermisch (Dutch)
hipodermoklisis |
hypodermoclysis |
hipofisis |
hypophysis |
hipofrenia |
hypophrenia |
hipogen |
hypogene |
hipoglikemia |
hypoglycaemia |
hipokondria |
hypochondria |
hipokotil |
hypocotyl |
hipoksia |
hypoxia |
hipolimnion |
hypolimnion |
hipoplasia |
hypoplasia |
hiposentrum |
hypocentre |
hipostasis |
hypostasis (English or Dutch) |
hipotermi |
hypothermia |
hypothermie (Dutch)
hipotesis |
hypothesis |
hipotiroid |
hypothyroidism |
hipotiroidisme |
hypothyroidism |
hipotonik |
hypotonic |
hipovitaminosis |
hypovitaminosis |
hirudin |
Hirudin |
hispanik |
Hispanic |
histeria |
hysteria |
histerisis |
hysteresis |
histogeni |
histogeny |
historis |
historic |
historisch (Dutch)
hit |
hit |
hobi |
hobby |
hoki |
hockey |
hol(o)- |
hol(o)- (English or Dutch) |
holi |
holly |
holigan |
hooligan |
holiganisme |
hooliganism |
holistis |
holistic |
holistisch (Dutch)
holobentos |
holobenthic |
holoenzim |
holo-enzyme |
holofit |
holophyte |
holofitik |
holophytic |
holofrasis |
holophrasis |
hologamet |
hologamete |
hologami |
hologamy |
holozoik |
holozoic |
homeostasis |
homoeostasis |
homo- |
homo- |
homo- (Dutch)
homogeni |
homogeny |
homoiotermal |
homoiothermal |
homorgan |
homorganic |
homoseksual |
homosexual |
homosexueel (Dutch)
honorifik |
honoforic |
hore |
hoorray |
hornblenda |
hornblende |
horor |
horror |
hortikulturis |
horticulturist |
hoskut |
house-coat |
hostel |
hostel |
hostes |
hostess |
hot |
hot |
hot dog |
hot dog |
huler |
huller |
humanoid |
humanoid |
humektan |
humectant |
humerus |
humerus |
hunter |
to hunt, hunter |
hunting |
hunting |
hurikan |
hurricane |
iambus |
iambus |
iatrogenik |
iatrogenic |
id |
id |
ideofon |
ideophone |
ideograf |
ideograph |
idiomatis |
idiomatic |
idiomatisch (Dutch)
idiomatologi |
idiomatology |
idiopati |
idiopathy |
idiopatis |
idiopathic |
idiopathisch (Dutch)
idiosi |
idiocy |
idiotie (Dutch)
idiosinkretik |
idiosyncratic |
ikebana |
ikebana (English or Japanese) |
ikonis |
iconic |
iconisch (Dutch)
ikonoklasme |
iconoclasm |
ikonometer |
iconometer |
iktiologis |
ichthyologist |
ileum |
ileum |
ilusif |
illusive |
imaji |
image |
imajinatif |
imaginative |
imigresen |
immigration |
imitatif |
imitative |
imoral |
immoral |
immoreel (Dutch)
impak |
impact (English or Dutch) |
impedans |
impedance |
impek |
impact |
impersonal |
impersonal |
impersonalisasi |
impersonalization |
impersonalitas |
impersonality |
implemen |
implement |
importasi |
importation |
imun |
immune |
immuun (Dutch)
imunologi |
immunology |
immunologie (Dutch)
imunologik |
immunological |
immunologisch (Dutch)
imunoterapi |
immunotherapy |
in- |
-in |
in- (Dutch)
inartikulat |
inarticulate |
inci |
inch |
income |
income |
indentor |
indenter |
indigenos |
indigenous |
individual |
individual |
individueel (Dutch)
individualisasi |
individualization |
Indonesia |
Indonesia |
Indonesië (Dutch)
induktans |
inductance |
indusemen |
inducement |
industrial |
industrial |
industrieel (Dutch)
industrialis |
industrialist |
inelastis |
inelastic |
infalibilitas |
infallibility |
infarkt |
infarct (English or Dutch) |
inferensial |
inferential |
infiltrometer |
infiltrometer |
infloresen |
inflorescence |
influks |
influx |
informal |
informal |
informeel (Dutch)
infrasonik |
infrasonic |
Inggelan |
England |
ingresif |
ingressive |
inhibitor |
inhibitor (English or Dutch) |
inisiator |
initiator |
injin |
engine |
inkam |
income |
inklinometer |
inclinometer |
inklusivitas |
inclusiveness |
inkremental |
incremental |
inokulum |
inoculum |
inovator |
innovator |
input |
input |
insektari |
insectary |
insektivora |
insectivora |
insectivoor (Dutch)
insensitif |
insensitive |
insentif |
incentive |
incentief (Dutch)
inset |
inset |
insidental |
incidental |
incidenteel (Dutch)
insinuatif |
insinuative |
insomnia |
insomnia |
insomnie (Dutch)
inspektor |
Inspector |
instan |
instant |
institusional |
institutional |
institutioneel (Dutch)
instruksional |
instructional |
instrumentalis |
instrumentalist |
insulator |
insulator |
insurans |
insurance |
integrasionis |
integrationist |
intel |
intel(-ligence) |
intelektif |
intellective |
intelektual |
intellectual |
intellectueel (Dutch)
intelektualis |
intellectual |
intelijen |
intelligence |
intensifikasi |
intensification |
interdepartemental |
interdepartmental |
interdependen |
interdependent |
interes |
interest |
interetnik |
interethnic |
interferens |
interference |
interior |
interior |
interiorisasi |
interiorization |
interkom |
intercom |
interkoneksi |
interconnection |
interkonsonantal |
interconsonantal |
interlud |
interlude |
intermodal |
intermodal |
internal |
internal |
internalisasi |
internalization |
internet |
internet |
interogator |
interrogator |
interpelator |
interpellator |
interport |
interport |
interpreter |
interpreter |
intertidal |
intertidal |
intima |
intima (English or Dutch) |
intra- |
intra- |
intra- (Dutch)
intradermal |
intradermal |
intralinguistis |
intralinguistic |
intramembran |
intramembranous |
intranasal |
intranasal |
intraregional |
intraregional |
intravaskuler |
intravascular |
intro- |
intro- |
intro- (Dutch)
introjeksi |
introjection |
intrusif |
intrusive |
inventor |
inventor |
investor |
investor |
invois |
invoice |
iodin |
iodine |
iodoform |
iodoform |
iradiator |
irradiator |
irasional |
irrational |
irrationeel (Dutch)
ireguler |
irregular |
irregulier (Dutch)
iritabilitas |
irritability |
iritatif |
irritative |
is(o)- |
iso- |
iso- (Dutch)
isentropik |
isentropic |
iskemia |
ischaemia |
iskemik |
ischaemic |
ischemisch (Dutch)
Islamisasi |
Islamization |
islamisering (Dutch)
-isme |
-ism |
-isme (Dutch)
isoaglutinin |
isoagglutinin |
isobarik |
isobaric |
isobron |
isobront |
isodinamik |
isodynamic |
isofen |
isophene |
isofon |
isophone |
isogamet |
isogamete |
isohalin |
isohaline |
isohel |
isohel |
isokeraunik |
isoceraunic |
isokorik |
isochoric |
isokromatik |
isochromatic |
isokronisme |
isochronisme |
isolat |
isolate |
isolek |
isolect |
isonomi |
isonomy |
isoplet |
isopleth |
isopod |
isopod |
isosilabik |
isosyllabic |
isosyllabisch (Dutch)
isotah |
isotach |
isotermal |
isothermal |
isotonik |
isotonic |
isotropik |
isotropic |
isu |
issue |
item |
item |
item (Dutch)
iud |
jab |
jab |
jakal |
jackal |
jaket |
jacket |
jalibut |
jollyboat |
jamper |
jumper |
janggo |
janggo (American-English) |
jap |
jab |
jaz |
jazz |
jean |
jeans |
jejunum |
jejunum |
jel |
jail |
jeli |
jelly |
jender |
gender |
jengki |
Yankee (English or Dutch) |
jentelmen |
gentleman (English or Dutch) |
Jepun |
Japon |
日本 jít pún (Chinese.A)
jeriken |
jerrycan |
Jerman, Jerman |
German |
jermanik, jermanik |
Germanic |
jesben |
jazzband |
jet |
jet |
jetfoil |
jetfoil |
jeti |
jetty |
jetsam |
jetsam |
jetset |
jet set |
jib |
jib |
jil |
jail |
jin |
gin (English or Dutch) |
jin |
jeans |
jinlepis |
Levi's jeans |
jip |
jeep (English or Dutch) |
joging |
jogging |
joint (venture) |
joint (venture) |
joli |
jolly(boat) |
jota |
jota |
judikatif |
judicative |
judisial |
judicial |
Julai |
July |
jumbojet |
jumbo jet |
Jun |
June |
jungtur |
juncture |
jurnalisme |
journalism |
jus |
deuce (English or Dutch) |
jus |
juice |
justru |
just true |
juist (Dutch ) atau justo (Portuguese)
kabin |
cabin |
cabine (Dutch)
kad |
card |
kakistokrasi |
kakistocracy |
kakodil |
cacodyl |
kakologi |
cacology |
kakuminal |
cacuminal |
kalamin |
calamine |
kalar |
collar |
kalaza |
chalaza |
kaldron |
caldron |
caldeirão (Portuguese)
kalibit |
chalybite |
kalibrasi |
calibration |
kalibreren (Dutch)
kalifornium |
californium (English or Dutch) |
kaliper |
caliper |
kalipso |
calypso |
kaliptra |
calyptra |
kalistenik |
callisthenics |
kalorisitas |
caloricity |
kalsit |
calcite |
kaman |
common |
kamfor |
camphor |
kamomil |
camomile |
kamping |
camping |
kamsen |
commission |
kanabis |
cannabis |
kandelabra |
candelabra |
kandil |
candle |
qandīl (Arabic)
kanina |
canine |
canis, dog (Latin)
kanopi |
canopy |
kansel |
cancel |
kanselari |
chancellery |
Kanser |
Cancer |
kantilever |
cantilever |
kanyon |
canyon |
kaon |
kaon |
kapasitans |
capacitance |
kapasitor |
capacitor |
Kapela |
Capella |
kapitulum |
capitulum |
kapon |
capon |
kapstan |
capstan |
karagen |
carrageen (English or Dutch) |
karan |
current |
karapaks |
carapace |
karate |
karate (English or Japanese or Dutch) |
karbohidrase |
carbohydrase |
karbolat |
carbolate |
karbolik |
carbolic |
karbonado |
carbonado |
kardiak |
cardiac |
karditis |
carditis |
kari |
curry |
kari(-t-tal) (Tamil ) atau kārī (Hindi)
karina |
carina |
karminatif |
carminative |
karnival |
carnival |
karotena |
carotene |
caroteen (Dutch)
karotenoid |
carotenoid |
karotid |
carotid |
karpel |
carpel |
karpopodil |
carpopodyle |
karsinogenik |
carsinogenic |
karsinologi |
carcinology |
karsinoma |
carcinoma |
carcinoom (Dutch)
kartun |
cartoon |
kartunis |
cartoonist |
karunkel |
caruncle |
kasein |
casein |
caseïne (Dutch)
kasiterit |
cassiterite |
kata- |
cata- |
cata-, kata- (Dutch)
katafora |
cataphora |
katalase |
catalase |
katalina |
Catalina |
katalis |
catalyst |
katalisis |
catalysis |
katalyse (Dutch)
katalist |
catalysite |
katalog |
catalogue |
katamaran |
catamaran |
kaṭṭumaram (Tamil)
katartik |
cathartic |
kategorisasi |
categorization |
categorisering (Dutch)
katering |
catering |
katetometer |
cathetometer |
kaukasoid |
Caucasoid |
kaukus |
caucus |
kaustik |
caustic |
kaustiksoda |
caustic soda |
kaver |
cover |
keci |
ketch |
kits (Dutch)
kelab (malam) |
club |
keler |
cellar |
kelder (Dutch)
keloid |
cheloid |
kem |
camp |
kemiluminesens |
chemiluminescence |
kempen |
campaign |
kenem |
ceneme |
kenematik |
cenematics |
kensel |
(to) cancel |
kep |
cap |
keratitis |
keratitis |
kerogen |
kerogen |
kerop |
care of |
kerosin |
kerosene |
kes |
cash |
kes |
case |
ketogenesis |
ketogenesis |
ketonemia |
ketonaemia |
ketonuria |
ketonuria |
ketosa |
ketose |
keV |
keV |
kiasmus |
chiasmus |
kici |
ketch |
kits (Dutch)
kilo- |
kilo- |
kilo- (Dutch)
kiloton |
kiloton |
kinesimeter |
kinesimeter |
kineskop |
kinescope |
kinestesia |
kinaesthesia |
kinestesis |
kinaesthesis |
kinetik |
kinetic |
kingkong |
King Kong |
kinred |
kindred |
kiper |
keeper (English or Dutch) |
kista |
cyst |
cyste (Dutch)
kit |
kit |
kiu |
cue |
keu (Dutch)
klaim |
claim (English or Dutch) |
klamidospora |
chlamydospore |
klan |
clan |
klarifikasi |
clarification |
klas |
class |
klausa |
clause |
klaviola |
claviole |
kleptomania |
kleptomania |
kleptomanie (Dutch)
kleptomaniak |
kleptomaniac |
kles |
clash |
klik |
click |
klimograf |
climograph |
klining |
cleaning |
klip |
clip (English or Dutch) |
klip |
clip |
klip |
clip |
kliping |
clipping |
klir |
clear |
kliring |
clearing |
klitelum |
clitellum |
klitik |
clitic |
klon |
clone |
kloon (Dutch)
kloning |
cloning |
klorin |
chlorine |
klorobenzena |
chlorobenzene |
kloroformat |
chloroformate |
kloroprena |
chloroprene |
klorosis |
chlorosis |
klub |
club (English or Dutch) |
kluster |
cluster |
knot |
knot |
koagel |
coagel |
koagulan |
coagulant |
koana |
choana |
kobalamin |
cobalamin |
koboi |
cowboy (English or Dutch) |
kodominan |
codominant |
koersi |
coercion |
koersif |
coercive |
kofaktor |
cofactor |
kofein |
caffeine |
koil |
coil |
koin |
coin |
koinsiden |
coincident |
kok |
shuttlecock |
kokainisasi |
cocainization |
koki |
cook |
kok, kokkie (Dutch)
koklea |
cochlea |
kokpit |
cockpit |
koktail |
cocktail |
kokurikuler |
cocurricular |
kol |
(roll-) call |
kol |
Colt |
kolaborator |
collaborator |
collaborateur (Dutch)
kolateral |
collateral |
kolektor |
collector (English or Dutch) |
kolemia |
cholaemia |
kolina |
choline |
kologen |
collagen |
collageen (Dutch)
kolonialis |
colonialist |
kolostomi |
colostomy |
kolt |
Colt |
kolum |
column |
kolumnis |
columnist |
columnist (Dutch)
kolumnus |
column |
kom- |
com- (English or Dutch) |
koman |
common |
kombat |
combat |
kombek |
come back |
komersial |
commercial |
komik |
comic |
komikal |
comical |
komisar |
commissar |
komit |
commit |
komitmen |
commitment |
komoditas |
commodity |
komparator |
comparator |
kompetitor |
competitor |
kompon |
compound |
komposer |
composer |
komposit |
composite |
komprador |
comprador |
komprehensif |
comprehensive |
komputer |
computer |
komputerisasi |
computerization |
komunikabilitas |
communicability |
komunikan |
communicant (English or Dutch) |
komunikator |
communicator |
komunistofobi |
communist phobia |
komunitas |
community |
komutator |
commutator |
komuter |
commuter |
kondroblas |
chondroblast |
konduktans |
conductance |
konduktivitas |
conductivity |
kondusif |
conducive |
konfidensial |
confidential |
confidentieel (Dutch)
konfiks |
confix |
konjugan |
conjugant |
konkomitan |
concomitant (English or Dutch) |
konkretisasi |
concretization |
konoid |
conoid |
konseli |
counsellee |
konseling |
counselling |
konsepsional |
conceptional |
konseptor |
concept |
-er (English)
konseptual |
conceptual |
conceptueel (Dutch)
konseptualisasi |
conceptualization |
konservasi |
conservation |
konservasionis |
conservationist |
konservatori |
conservatory |
konsonantal |
consonantal |
konspirator |
conspirator |
konstitusional |
constitutional |
constitutioneel (Dutch)
konstriksi |
constriction |
konstriktor |
constrictor |
konsumer |
consumer |
konsumerisme |
consumerism |
kontekstual |
contextual |
kontekstualisme |
contextualism |
kontes |
contest |
kontinjen |
contingent |
kontinu |
to continue |
continu (Dutch)
kontoid |
contoid |
kontraktor |
contractor |
kontraktual |
contractual |
kontraseptif |
contraceptive |
contraceptief (Dutch)
kontributor |
contributor |
kontroversi |
controversy |
controverse (Dutch)
kontroversial |
controversial |
controversieel (Dutch)
konvektif |
convective |
konvensional |
conventional |
konvertor |
converter |
convertor (Dutch)
konveyor |
conveyor |
konvokesyen |
convocation |
konvolusi |
convolution |
konvulsan |
convulsant |
kop |
to cup |
kopilot |
co-pilot |
co-piloot (Dutch)
kopolimeter |
copolymeter |
koprafagia |
coprophagia |
koral |
corral |
korap |
corrupt |
korduroi |
corduroy (English or Dutch) |
koreferensialitas |
coreferentiality |
koreografer |
choreographer |
kornel |
colonel |
kolonel (Dutch ) atau coronel (Portuguese)
koroid |
choroid |
korugator |
corrugator |
korundum |
corundum |
kuruntam (Tamil)
koruptif |
corruptive |
koruptor |
corruptor |
kos |
cost |
koslo |
coleslaw |
kosmetologi |
cosmetology |
kosmonaut |
cosmonaut (English or Dutch) |
kosmopolitan |
cosmopolitan |
kosmopolitanisme |
cosmopolitanism |
kostik |
caustic |
koteks |
co-text |
kotiledon |
cotyledon |
kovalensi |
covalency |
kover |
cover |
kover |
cover |
kreator |
creator |
kredibilitas |
credibility |
kredit |
credit (English or Dutch) |
kreosol |
creosol |
krim |
cream |
kriminal |
criminal |
crimineel (Dutch)
kriofil |
cryophilic |
kriofit |
cryophyte |
kriogenika |
cryogenics |
Krismes |
Christmas |
krisofil |
chrysophyll |
krista |
crista |
kristenisasi |
Christianization |
Kristiani |
Christian |
kromat |
chromate |
kromatid |
chromatid |
kromit |
chromite |
kromofil |
chromophil |
kromofob |
chromophobe |
kromotropi |
chromotropy |
kronem |
chroneme |
krosboi |
cross boy |
krosgirl |
crossgirl |
kru |
crew |
krukat |
crew cut |
krustasea |
crustacea |
kuadratika |
quadratics |
kuadratus |
quadratus |
kuadrenium |
quadrennium |
kuadrili |
quadrillion |
kuadripartit |
quadripartite |
kuantifikasi |
quantification |
kwantificering (Dutch)
kuari |
quarry |
kuark |
quark |
kuarsit |
quartzite |
kubistik |
cubistic |
kuboid |
cuboid |
kudehel |
go to hell |
kuintiliun |
quintillion |
quintiljoen (Dutch)
kuintuplet |
quintuplets |
kuis |
quiz |
kult |
culch |
kult |
cult |
kultivar |
cultivar |
kultivasi |
cultivation |
kultural |
cultural |
kultureel (Dutch)
kuproprotein |
cuproprotein |
kuret |
curette |
kurigram |
curie |
kurikuler |
curricular |
kwarter |
quarter |
kwasiorkor |
kwashiorkor |
labelum |
labellum |
lakeri |
lacquer |
lakrimator |
lachrymator |
lakton |
lactone |
lakuna |
lacuna |
lakustrin |
lacustrine |
lamina |
lamina |
laminasi |
lamination |
lamineren (Dutch)
laminating |
laminating |
landreform |
land reform |
lantanum |
lanthanum |
lantin |
lantern |
lap |
lap |
lapili |
lapilli |
lares |
large |
laser |
laser |
lasinia |
lacinia |
lasparaginase |
Lasparaginase |
lastic |
elastic |
latosol |
latosol |
laundri |
laundry |
lavase |
lavage |
lavatori |
lavatory |
leghorn |
Leghorn |
legislator |
legislator |
lego |
let go |
lekar |
lacquer |
leksis |
lexis |
lemon |
lemon |
lemoned |
lemonade |
lenitik |
lenitic |
lentoid |
lentoid |
leonid |
Leonids |
leperi |
referee |
leptodos |
leptodos |
lesbian |
lesbian |
lesbianisme |
lesbianism |
lesen |
licence |
leukoderma |
leucoderma |
leukoma |
leucoma |
leukonisia |
leuconychia |
leukopenia |
leucopenia |
leukorea |
leucorrhea |
leukositosis |
leucocytosis |
level |
level |
levulosa |
laevulose |
liberalis |
liberalist |
liberator |
liberator |
lif |
lift |
lifter |
weight-lifter |
lignin |
lignin |
likwid |
liquid |
linear |
linear |
lineair (Dutch)
linguafon |
Linguaphone |
linguis |
linguist |
linguïst (Dutch)
lining |
lining |
liofilisasi |
lyophilization |
lipemia |
lipaemia |
lipid |
lipid |
lipide (Dutch)
lipoksidase |
lipoxidase |
lipolisis |
lipolysis |
lipoprotein |
lipoprotein |
lipstik |
lipstick |
liter |
litter |
literal |
literal |
liver |
liver |
lob |
lob |
lobi |
lobby (English or Dutch) |
lobi |
lobby (English or Dutch) |
lobiing |
lobbying |
lobster |
lobster |
log |
log |
logo |
logo |
logotip |
logotype |
lojikal |
logical |
lokap |
lock-up |
lolipop |
lollipop |
longdres |
long dress |
longmars |
long march |
longshot |
long shot |
loran |
loran |
lori |
lorry |
lorrie (Dutch)
lospeker |
loud-speaker |
loyar |
lawyer |
lozenge |
lozenge |
luminositas |
luminosity |
Mac |
March |
macis |
matches |
madam |
madam |
mafela |
muffler |
magnetika |
magnetics |
magnetis |
magnetic |
magnetisch (Dutch)
magnetostatika |
magnetostatics |
majoriti |
majority |
majusi |
magus |
makao |
Macao |
make up |
make up |
makrofita |
macrophyte |
makrogametosit |
macrogametocyte |
makrohistori |
macrohistory |
makrolinguistik |
macrolinguistics |
makrosefalik |
macrocephalic |
maksi |
maxi |
maksila |
maxilla |
makua |
makua |
makula |
macula |
mal- |
mal- |
mal |
mall |
malakofili |
malacophily |
malasia |
malacia |
maleolus |
malleolus |
malnutrisi |
malnutrition |
maloklusi |
malocclusion |
mamal |
mammal |
mami |
mammy |
mamut |
mammoth |
mammoet (Dutch)
manajemen |
management |
manajer |
manager |
manajerial |
managerial |
mancis |
matches |
mandarin |
Mandarin |
mandibula |
mandibula |
manerisme |
mannerism |
mania |
mania |
manie (Dutch)
manifesto |
manifesto |
manik-depresif |
manic-depressive |
manual |
manual |
manufaktur |
(to) manufacture |
manufakturing |
manufacturing |
manuver |
manoeuvre (English or Dutch) |
maois |
Maoist |
maoïst (Dutch)
mapela |
muffler (American-English) |
mare |
mare |
margin |
margin |
marginalisme |
marginalism |
marikultur |
mariculture |
markoni |
marconi |
marlin |
marlin |
marzipan |
marzipan |
marsepein (Dutch)
maser |
maser |
maskat |
waistcoat |
maskon |
mascon |
maskulin |
masculine |
mason |
mason |
masrum |
mushroom |
mass-media |
mass media |
master |
master |
master |
master |
matras |
matrass |
matrikulasi |
matriculation |
matrilokal |
matrilocal |
matrimoni |
matrimony |
mayoret |
majorette (American-English) |
majorette (Dutch)
medalion |
medallion |
médaillon (Dutch)
mediator |
mediator |
medik |
medical |
medisch (Dutch)
mediko legal |
medico-legal |
mega- |
mega- |
mega- (Dutch)
megalomania |
megalomania |
megalomanie (Dutch)
megalomaniak |
megalomaniac |
megalosit |
megalocyte |
megaohm |
megohm (English or Dutch) |
megaspora |
megaspore |
megasporangium |
megasporangium |
meiosis |
meiosis (English or Dutch) |
mek |
Mac |
mekanik |
mechanic |
mekanolinguistik |
mechanolinguistics |
mekap |
make up |
melanoderma |
melanoderma |
melodramatik |
melodramatic |
mem |
ma’am based-on memsahib |
menoragia |
menorrhagia |
menorragie (Dutch)
mensurasi |
mensuration |
mentaliti |
mentality |
merger |
merger |
merikan |
American |
merikarp |
mericarp |
merino |
merino |
meristem |
meristem |
meristeem (Dutch)
merkuri |
mercury |
merkurium |
mercury |
merogoni |
merogony |
merserisasi |
mercerization |
mes |
mess (English or Dutch) |
mes |
mesh |
mesej |
message |
meso- |
meso- (English or Dutch) |
mesodermik |
mesodermic |
mesofil |
mesophile |
mesolitik |
mesolithic |
mesotel |
mesothelium |
mesotoraks |
mesothorax |
mesozoa |
mesozoa |
mestizo |
mestizo |
met-, meta- |
meta- |
meta- (Dutch)
metabolik |
metabolic |
metalik |
metallic |
metamorfisme |
metamorphism |
metamorfosis |
metamorphosis |
metamorfose (Dutch)
metanefros |
metanephros |
metasenter |
metacenter |
metastasis |
metastasis |
metazoa |
metazoa |
metodis |
Methodist |
methodist (Dutch)
metro |
metropolis |
metropolitan |
metropolitan |
metroragia |
metrorrhagia |
midi |
midi (English or Dutch) |
mieloma |
myeloma |
myeloom (Dutch)
mike |
mike |
mikoprotein |
mycoprotein |
mikosis |
mycosis |
mikro- |
micro- |
micro- (Dutch)
mikrobus |
microbus |
mikrofag |
microphage |
mikrofarad |
microfarad |
mikrofita |
microphyte |
mikrohm |
microhm |
mikrokomputer |
microcomputer (English or Dutch) |
mikroorganisme |
micro-organism |
micro-organisme (Dutch)
mikroprosesor |
microprocessor (English or Dutch) |
mikroprotein |
microprotein |
miksedema |
myxoedema |
mikser |
mixer |
mil |
mail |
mili- |
milli- (English or Dutch) |
milimol |
millimole |
militansi |
militancy |
mimikri |
mimicry |
mini |
mini |
mini (Dutch)
minibus |
minibus |
minikar |
minicar |
miniskirt |
mini skirt |
minor |
minor |
mioma |
myoma |
myoom (Dutch)
miopia |
myopia |
miriapoda |
myriapoda |
misil |
missile |
misis |
missis |
misofobia |
mysophobia |
misoginis |
misogynist |
miss dunia |
miss |
mister |
mister |
mob |
mob |
mobilita |
mobility |
mobokrasi |
mobocracy |
modeling |
modelling |
modem |
modem |
moden |
modern |
modifikatif |
modificative |
mohair |
mohair |
mola |
mola |
molar |
molar |
molibdenum |
molybdenum |
molotov |
Molotov cocktail |
momentum |
momentum |
monel |
Monel |
monel (Dutch)
mongoloid |
mongoloid |
mongoloïde (Dutch)
mongoloid |
mongoloid |
mongoloïde (Dutch)
mono- |
mono- |
mono- (Dutch)
monokarpa |
monocarpic |
monocarpisch (Dutch)
monokini |
monokini |
monolingual |
monolingual |
monolinguaal (Dutch)
monolitik |
monolithic |
monolitisch (Dutch)
monoploid |
monoploid |
monorel |
monorail |
monosilabel |
monosyllable |
monstera |
monstera |
monsun |
monsoon |
montagemen |
montage man |
mopela |
muffler |
morbili |
morbilli |
morf |
morph |
morfemik |
morphemics |
morfofonem |
morphophoneme |
morfofonemik |
morphophonemics |
morfogenesis |
morphogenesis |
moron |
moron |
mortar |
mortar |
motel |
motel |
motoris |
motorist (English or Dutch) |
motorsaikel |
motor-cycle |
move |
move |
mulato |
mulatto |
multi- |
multi- (English or Dutch) |
multimedia |
multimedia (English or Dutch) |
multipolar |
multipolar |
multiprosesor |
multiprocessor |
multivitamin |
multivitamin |
musikal |
musical |
musikalisasi |
musicalization |
mustang |
Mustang |
muta |
mute |
muzik |
music |
naftena |
naphtene |
naitklab |
night-club |
nanoplankton |
nanoplankton |
narasi |
narration |
narkomaniak |
narcomaniac |
narkosis |
narcosis |
narkotik |
narcotic |
narkotik |
narcotic |
narcotisch (Dutch)
nasel |
nozzle |
nasel |
nacelle |
nasion |
nation |
nativis |
nativist |
nausea |
nausea |
nebula |
nebula |
nefron |
nephron |
negrofobi |
negrophobia |
nekro- |
necro- (English or Dutch) |
nekrofagus |
necrophagous |
nekrosis |
necrosis |
neksus |
nexus (English or Dutch) |
nemagon |
Nemagon (English or Dutch) |
nematoda |
nematoda |
neo- |
neo- |
neo- (Dutch)
neoimpresionisme |
neo-impressionism |
neolit |
neolith |
neolitik |
Neolithic |
neonatus |
neonate |
neonataal (Dutch)
nervasi |
nervation |
neuralgia |
neuralgia |
neuralgie (Dutch)
neurastenia |
neurasthenia |
neurastenie (Dutch)
neuroblastoma |
neuroblastoma |
neuroblastoom (Dutch)
neurolinguistik |
neurolinguistics |
neurosis |
neurosis |
neurotik |
neurotic |
neurotransmiter |
neurotransmitter |
newton |
newton |
nica |
N.I.C.A. |
nimbostratus |
nimbostratus (English or Dutch) |
nimfomania |
nymphomania |
nistatin |
nystatin |
noa |
noa |
noem |
noeme |
noga |
nougat |
noga (Dutch)
nokturia |
nocturia |
nokturnal |
nocturnal |
nombor |
number |
non- |
non- |
non- (Dutch)
nonagresi |
non-agression |
nonfiksi |
non-fiction |
nonilium |
nonillion |
nonkooperatif |
noncooperative |
nonproduktif |
nonproductive |
nonprofit |
non-profit |
nonprotein |
non-protein |
nonsens |
nonsense |
nonsens (Dutch)
nonstop |
non-stop |
nonverbal |
non-verbal |
norit |
Norit (English or Dutch) |
nostrum |
nostrum |
notes |
notes |
notifikasi |
notification |
notis |
notice |
novel |
novel |
novelle (Dutch)
novela |
novella |
novelet |
novelette |
novena |
novena |
nugat |
nougat |
nuklir |
nuclear |
nucleair (Dutch)
nulipara |
nullipara |
nutrisi |
nutrition |
nutrisionis |
nutritionist |
nyukamer |
newcomer |
oasis |
oasis |
obituari |
obituary |
obo |
oboe |
observatorium |
observatory |
observatorium (Dutch)
obviatif |
obviative |
odometer |
odometer |
odontoid |
odontoid |
ofisial |
official |
ofset |
offset |
oftalmia |
ophtalmia |
Ogos |
August |
oke |
O.K., okay |
oksiaselitena |
oxy-acetylene |
oksigen |
oxygen |
oksitetrasiklin |
oxytetracycline |
oksiton |
oxytone |
oktagon |
octagon |
oktahedron |
octahedron |
oktal |
octal |
oleovitamin |
oleovitamin |
oligofagus |
oligophagous |
oligofrenia |
oligophrenia |
oligofrenie (Dutch)
oligositemia |
oligocythaemia |
oligotrofik |
oligotrophic |
Olimpik |
Olympic |
olrait |
all right |
online |
online |
oogenesis |
oogenesis |
opalesen |
opalescence |
opasitas |
opacity |
operasionalisasi |
operationalization |
operkulum |
operculum |
opis |
office |
opisometer |
opisometer |
opsin |
opsin |
opsional |
opsional |
opsyen |
option |
optimalisasi |
optimalization |
-or |
-or |
orbit |
orbit |
oren |
orange |
organ |
organ |
organik |
organic |
organon |
organon |
orisinal |
original |
origineel (Dutch)
orkestra |
orchestra |
ornitosis |
ornithosis |
orografik |
orographic |
ortoklas |
orthoclase |
ortopedic |
orthopaedic |
oseanarium |
oceanarium |
osikel |
ossicle |
-osis |
-osis |
oskar |
Oscar |
oskulum |
osculum |
osmosis |
osmosis |
osmose (Dutch)
osteoklas |
osteoclast |
osteoporosis |
osteoporosis |
oto- |
ot(o) - (English or Dutch) |
otologi |
otology |
otomotif |
automotive |
otoskop |
otoscope |
output |
output |
overakting |
overacting |
overpopulasi |
overpopulation |
oversimplifikasi |
oversimplification |
oviparitas |
oviparity |
ovipositor |
ovipositor |
owengan |
Owen gun |
pagoda |
pagoda (English or Spanish) |
pagode (Portuguese)
pai |
pie |
paip |
pipe |
pakej |
package |
palatabilitas |
palatability |
palato-alveolar |
palato-alveolar |
palatografi |
palatography |
Palawa |
Pallava |
paleo- |
palaeo- |
paleo- (Dutch)
paleolitik |
paleolithic |
palmarosa |
palmarosa |
palmistri |
palmistry |
palmitat |
palmitate |
pam |
pump |
pampiniform |
pampiniform |
pan- |
pan- |
pan- (Dutch)
panasea |
panacea |
panel |
panel |
panelis |
panelist |
panil |
panel |
paneel (Dutch)
panleukopenia |
panleucopenia |
pantri |
pantry |
papain |
papain |
papaïne (Dutch)
paper |
paper |
papila |
papilla |
para- |
para- |
para- (Dutch)
parabola |
parabola |
parabool (Dutch)
paradidimis |
paradidymis |
parafasia |
paraphasia |
parafrenia |
paraphrenia |
paragaster |
paragaster |
paraldehida |
paraldehyde |
paralisis |
paralysis |
paralyse (Dutch)
paraplegia |
paraplegia |
parapodium |
parapodium |
parasintesis |
parasynthesis |
parasitopolis |
parasitopolis |
paratiroid |
parathyroid |
parenial |
perennial |
parental |
parental |
parentesis |
parenthesis |
parenthese (Dutch)
parga |
parget |
parhelion |
parhelion |
parlimen |
parliament |
parolfaktori |
parolfactory |
parsial |
partial |
partieel (Dutch)
partenogenesis |
parthenogenesis |
parti |
party |
partial |
partial |
partisi |
partition |
partner |
partner |
pas |
pass |
pasifik |
Pacific |
pasimologi |
pasimology |
patela |
patella |
paternalis |
paternalist |
paternalisme |
paternalism |
paternalisme (Dutch)
pato- |
patho- |
patho- (Dutch)
patogenesis |
pathogenesis |
patogenik |
pathogenic |
patolopolis |
patholopolis |
patriotik |
patriotic |
patriottisch (Dutch)
paun |
pound |
pedisel |
pedicel |
pedunkel |
peduncle |
pektik |
pectic |
pelagas |
pelagic |
pelagra |
pellagra |
pelan |
plan |
pelet |
pellet |
pelikel |
pellicle |
pelota |
pelota |
penalti |
penalty |
pendulum |
pendulum |
penes |
pinnace |
pinas (Dutch)
penfriend |
pen-friend |
penguin |
penguin |
pensil |
pencil |
penseel (Dutch)
penta- |
penta- |
penta- (Dutch)
pentagin |
Pentagynia |
pentagon |
Pentagon |
pentahedron |
pentahedron |
pentana |
pentane |
pentatonik |
pentatonic |
pentatoniek (Dutch)
pentode |
pentode |
peptik |
peptic |
per |
per (English or Dutch) |
per |
(to) fear |
perenial |
perennial |
performa |
performance |
performativitas |
performative |
peri- |
peri- |
peri- (Dutch)
periferal |
peripheral |
perige |
perigee |
perihelion |
perihelion |
perikondrium |
perichondrium |
perimisium |
perimysium |
perin |
perinium |
perineurium |
perineurium |
periodat |
periodate |
periodontium |
periodontium |
periosteum |
periosteum |
perispora |
perispora |
peristalsis |
peristalsis |
peristomium |
peristomium |
perkale |
percale |
permisif |
permissive |
peroksisom |
peroxisome |
peroneal |
peroneal |
persentil |
percentile |
perseptivitas |
perceptivity |
perseus |
Perseus |
person |
person |
persoon (Dutch)
personal |
personal |
personalitas |
personality |
personaliteit (Dutch)
perspektivisme |
perspectivism |
perspectivisme (Dutch)
pertusis |
pertussis |
pestisida |
pesticide (English or Dutch) |
petal |
petal |
petikut |
pettycoat |
petro- |
petro- |
petro- (Dutch)
petrodolar |
petrodollar |
petrol |
petrol |
petrolatum |
petrolatum |
piezo- |
piezo- |
piezo- (Dutch)
piezoelektrik |
piezoelectric |
pijin |
pidjin |
pijinasi |
pidjin |
pika |
pica |
pikap |
pickup |
pikogram |
picogram |
pilsener |
Pilsner |
pimpel |
pimple |
piogenik |
pyogenic |
pipit |
pipit |
pis |
piece |
pistol |
pistol |
pit |
pit |
pivot |
pivot |
plaintif |
plaintiff |
planning |
planning |
plastometer |
plastometer |
platelet |
platelet |
platform |
platform (English or Dutch) |
platinum |
platinum |
platonik |
platonic |
pleopod |
pleopod |
plinkoto |
Flint Coat |
pliosaurus |
pliosaurus |
plosif |
plosive |
plosief (Dutch)
plural |
plural |
plutonik |
plutonic |
pneumatik |
pneumatic |
pneumatokista |
pneumatocyst |
podikal |
podical |
poikilohalin |
poikilohalite |
poikiloterm |
poikilotherm |
poin |
point |
poker |
poker (English or Dutch) |
poket |
pocket |
pol |
poll |
poli- |
poly- |
poly- (Dutch)
poliantus |
polianthus |
polifase |
polyphase |
polihalin |
polyhalite |
poliket |
polychaeta |
polinia |
polynia |
poliploid |
polyploid |
polipropilena |
polypropylene |
polis |
police |
polisepal |
polysepalous |
polisi |
policy |
polisilogisme |
polysyllogism |
politisasi |
politicization |
politisering (Dutch)
poliuretan |
polyurethane |
polizoa |
polyzoa |
polkadot |
polka dot |
polo |
polo |
polutan |
pollutant |
polutif |
pollutive |
pompom |
pompom |
ponderabilitas |
ponderability |
poni |
pony |
ponterling |
pound sterling |
pop |
pop |
porfiria |
porphyria |
porno |
porno |
pornoaksi |
porno |
actie (Dutch)
portabel |
portable |
positron |
positron |
positronium |
positronium |
postar |
foster |
poster |
poster |
posterior |
posterior |
postmodernisme |
post-modernism |
postmodernisme (Dutch)
potator |
potatory |
potator (Latin)
poundal |
poundal |
prairi |
prairie |
pre- |
pre- |
pre- (Dutch)
prefab |
prefab(ricated) |
prekursor |
precursor |
premis |
premises |
premium |
premium |
pres |
press |
presidensial |
presidential |
presidentieel (Dutch)
preview |
preview |
prikik |
free kick |
printing |
printing |
privasi |
privacy |
privatisasi |
privatization |
privatisering (Dutch)
priwil |
free-wheel |
pro- |
pro- |
pro- (Dutch)
problematik |
problematic |
produser |
producer |
proenzim |
proenzyme |
prof |
prof |
profesional |
professional |
profesional |
professional |
professioneel (Dutch)
profetik |
prophetic |
profilaksis |
prophylaxis |
profit |
profit |
profitabilitas |
profitability |
progeni |
progeny |
prognosis |
prognosis |
prognose (Dutch)
progres |
progress |
proklitik |
proclitic |
proksi |
proxy |
prolat |
prolateness |
pronominalisasi |
pronominalization |
propelan |
propellant |
propeler |
propeller |
properti |
property |
proporsional |
proportional |
proportioneel (Dutch)
proposal |
proposal |
propulsi |
propulsion |
prosesor |
processor |
proskriptivisme |
proscriptive |
prospek |
prospect |
prostatitis |
prostatitis |
prot(o)- |
proto- |
proto- (Dutch)
protandris |
protandry |
proteid |
proteide |
protektif |
protective |
proteolisis |
proteolysis |
proteolitik |
proteolytic |
protogenesis |
protogenesis |
protoraks |
prothorax |
protozoa |
Protozoa |
protrombin |
prothrombin |
provok |
provoke |
psikiater |
psychiatrist |
psychiater (Dutch)
psikiatrik |
psychiatric |
psiko- |
psycho- |
psycho- (Dutch)
psikoanalisis |
psychoanalysis |
psychoanalyse (Dutch)
psikodrama |
psychodrama |
psikogenik |
psychogenic |
psikokinesis |
psychokinesis |
psikologikal |
psychological |
psikomotor |
psychomotor |
psikoneurosis |
psychoneurosis |
psikosis |
psychosis |
psikosomatik |
psychosomatic |
psychosomatisch (Dutch)
psikotik |
psychotic |
psikotropik |
psychotropic |
psikotropika |
psychotropic |
pterodaktil |
pterodactyl |
pub |
pub(lic house) |
pubesens |
pubescence |
publisiti |
publicity |
puding |
pudding (English or Dutch) |
puerperium |
puerperium |
puitisasi |
poetization |
pul |
pool |
pulover |
pullover (English or Dutch) |
pulsa |
pulse |
pulsar |
pulsar |
punitif |
punitive |
punk |
punk |
pupa |
pupa |
purdah |
purdah |
parda (Persian)
puritan |
Puritan |
puritein (Dutch)
purser |
purser |
putis |
puttees |
putis |
puttees |
putresin |
putrescine |
putriditas |
putridity |
rad |
rad |
radian |
radian |
radians |
radiance |
radiogoniometer |
radiogoniometer |
radiogoniometri |
radiogoniometry |
radiograf |
radiograph |
radiografi |
radiography |
radiografie (Dutch)
radiolisis |
radiolysis |
radiologis |
radiologist |
radiolokasi |
radiolocation |
rafe |
raphe |
raket |
racket |
rakila |
rachilla |
rakis |
rachis |
rampa |
ramp (English or Dutch) |
random |
random |
randomisasi |
randomization |
rangking |
ranking |
rankine |
Rankine |
rap |
rap |
rasberi |
raspberry |
rasem |
raceme |
rasialis |
racialist |
rasialisme |
racialism |
rasialistis |
racialistic |
raun |
round |
re-, re- |
re- |
re- (Dutch)
reaktan |
reactant |
reaktans |
reactance |
reaktualisasi |
reactualization |
realistik |
realistic |
reaumur |
Réaumur |
rebat |
rebate |
recall |
recall |
redefinisi |
redefinition |
reduktif |
reductive |
reekspor |
re-export |
referensial |
referential |
refri |
referee |
refrigerator |
refrigerator |
regimentasi |
regimentation |
region |
region |
reifikasi |
reification |
rek |
rack |
rek (Dutch)
rekod |
record |
rekol |
recall |
rekondisi |
recondition |
rekonsiliasi |
reconciliation |
rekonsolidasi |
reconsolidation |
rekonstruktif |
reconstructive |
rekorder |
recorder |
relai |
relay |
relayeren (Dutch)
relaks |
relax |
relativis |
relativist |
relativisasi |
relativization |
reli |
rally |
reliabilitas |
reliability |
relif |
relief |
relis |
release |
relokasi |
relocation |
reman |
remand |
rematik |
rheumatism |
reumatiek (Dutch)
remedial |
remedial |
remediasi |
remediation |
remi |
rummy |
renegosiasi |
renegotiation |
renin |
rennin |
rental |
rental |
reorientasi |
reorientation |
representasional |
representational |
republiken |
republican |
republikein (Dutch)
reservasi |
reservation |
reservering (Dutch)
residensi |
residency |
resiprokal |
reciprocal |
resistan |
resistant |
resistent (Dutch)
resistansi |
resistance |
resistentie (Dutch)
resistif |
resistive |
resistivitas |
resistivity |
resistor |
resistor |
resital |
recital |
respirator |
respirator |
restiformis |
restiform |
resurjensi |
resurgence |
retinakulum |
retinaculum |
retreatisme |
retreatism |
retro- |
retro- |
retro- (Dutch)
retrofleks |
retroflex (English or Dutch) |
retrolingual |
retrolingual |
reunifikasi |
reunification |
revitalisasi |
revitalization |
revitalisering (Dutch)
riben |
Ray Ban |
rileks |
relax, relaxed |
rilis |
release |
riset |
research |
risit |
receipt |
ritmis |
rhythmic |
ritmisch (Dutch)
ritual |
ritual |
ritueel (Dutch)
ritul |
retool |
robotika |
robotics |
rodensial |
rodential |
rojer |
Roger |
rok |
rock |
roker |
rocker |
roket |
rocket |
roman |
roman |
romantik |
romantic |
rombohedron |
rhombohedron |
roneo |
Roneo |
rotari |
Rotary |
rotograf |
rotograph |
royalti |
royalty |
rubela |
rubella |
rubeola |
rubeola (English or Dutch) |
rugbi |
rugby |
ruminansi |
rumination |
ruminatie (Dutch)
ruminansia |
Ruminantia |
rumor |
rumour |
s |
s(tere) |
saanen |
Saanen |
sabatikal |
sabbatical |
safe |
safe |
safron |
saffron |
sains |
science |
saintis |
scientist |
saintisme |
scientism |
saiz |
size |
sakramental |
sacramental |
sakrum |
sacrum |
salindia |
cylinder |
salinisasi |
salinization |
salmon |
salmon |
saman |
summons |
sampel |
sample |
sampling |
sampling |
samsonet |
Samsonite |
sanatogen |
Sanatogen |
sanguifikasi |
sanguification |
sanitasi |
sanitation |
sapogenin |
sapogenin |
sarkastis |
sarcastic |
sarcastisch (Dutch)
sarkode |
sarcode |
sarkoderma |
sarcoderma |
sarkofagus |
sarcophagus |
sarkolema |
sarcolemma |
sarkologi |
sarcology |
satiris |
satirist, satiric |
satirisch, satiricus (Dutch)
sedan |
sedan (English or Dutch) |
sefalopoda |
Cephalopoda |
seismik |
seismic |
seismisch (Dutch)
sek |
shag |
seks |
sex |
seksi |
sexy |
seksis |
sexist |
seksmania |
sex mania |
seksologi |
sexology |
sexuologie (Dutch)
seksual |
sexual |
sexueel (Dutch)
sektarian |
sectarian |
sektarianisme |
sectarianism |
sektoral |
sectoral |
sekuas |
squash |
sekularis |
secularist |
sekularitas |
secularity |
sekuriti |
security |
selebriti |
celebrity |
selenologi |
selenology |
selenologie (Dutch)
seling |
sling |
Selon |
Ceylon |
Selong |
Ceylon |
selotip |
Sellotape |
selter |
shelter |
semi- |
semi- |
semi- (Dutch)
semidiurnal |
semidiurnal |
semifinalis |
semifinalist |
semikonduktor |
semiconductor |
seminar |
seminar |
semiotik |
semiotic |
semitisme |
Semitism |
senioritas |
seniority |
sensasional |
sensational |
sensationeel (Dutch)
sensor |
sensor |
sensual |
sensual |
sensueel (Dutch)
senter |
centre |
senterhaf |
centre-half |
senterpor |
centre-forward |
senti- |
centi- |
centi- (Dutch)
sentimental |
sentimental |
sentimenteel (Dutch)
sentralistis |
centralistic |
centralistisch (Dutch)
sentrifugasi |
centrifugation |
sepal |
sepal |
sepiker |
(loud) speaker |
seples |
splice |
septik |
septic |
seranograf |
keraunograph |
seranometer |
keraunometer |
serealia |
cereals |
serealin |
cerealin |
serebral |
cerebral |
seremonial |
ceremonial |
seri |
cherry |
serial |
serial |
sermet |
cermet |
serografi |
cerography |
serositas |
serosity |
serotonin |
serotonin |
serumen |
cerumen |
servis |
service |
sesamoid |
sesamoid |
sestina |
sestina |
sesyen |
Sessions |
set |
set |
set |
set |
set |
set |
setem |
stamp |
setoking |
stockings |
setori |
story |
história (Portuguese)
show |
show |
sianamida |
cyanamide |
sianometri |
cyanometry |
sianosis |
cyanosis |
sifilofobia |
syphilophobia |
Sik |
Sikh |
Sik |
Sikh |
sikloparafin |
cycloparaffin |
silabel |
syllable |
silabik |
syllabic |
silika |
silica |
silikosis |
silicosis |
silindroid |
cylindroid |
silk |
silk |
silo |
silo |
silt |
silt |
silvikultur |
silviculture |
sim- (sil-, sin-) |
sym-, syn- |
sym-, syn- (Dutch)
simbiosis |
symbiosis |
symbiose (Dutch)
simfisis |
symphysis |
similar |
similar |
simile |
simile |
simpati |
sympathy |
sympathie (Dutch)
sinefotografi |
cinephotography |
sinematik |
cinematic |
sinemikrografis |
cinemicrographic |
sinestesia |
synaesthesia |
singel |
single |
singelar |
singular |
singlet |
singlet |
sinklin |
syncline |
sinkonina |
cinchonine |
sinkretis |
syncretic |
syncretistisch (Dutch)
sinoptis |
synoptic |
synoptisch (Dutch)
sintesis |
synthesis |
synthese (Dutch)
sintetik |
synthetic |
sintonik |
syntonic |
sip |
safe |
sir |
sir |
siringitis |
syringitis |
sirke |
cirque |
sirkumfiks |
circumfix |
sirosis |
cirrhosis |
sirsekin |
sharkskin |
sistaltik |
systaltic |
sistematisasi |
systematization |
sister |
sister |
sistolik |
systolic |
sit |
sheet |
sitolisis |
cytolysis |
situasional |
situational |
sivik |
civics |
sizigi |
syzygy |
skafa |
scapha |
skalar |
scalar |
skalop |
scallop |
skarifikasi |
scarification |
skedul |
schedule (American-English) |
skiatika |
sciatica |
skil |
skill |
skim |
skim |
skiping |
skipping |
skizofrenia |
schizophrenia |
sklerenkima |
sclerenchyma |
sklerosis |
sclerosis |
skoliosis |
scoliosis |
skombroid |
Scombroidae |
skop |
scope |
skoring |
scoring |
skrin |
screen |
skrining |
screening |
skrip |
script |
skrobikulus |
scrobiculus |
skuad |
squad |
skuadron |
squadron |
skuas |
squash |
slaid |
slide |
slang |
slang |
sling |
sling |
slogan |
slogan |
slur |
slur |
smes |
smash |
smok |
smog |
smol |
small |
snek |
snack |
snob |
snob |
snuker |
snooker |
sofistri |
sophistry |
soker |
soccer |
soket |
socket |
solfatara |
solfatara |
solfatare (Dutch)
solid |
solid |
solide, solied (Dutch)
solilokui |
soliloquy |
solum |
solum |
sombok |
sound box |
sonar |
sonar |
sonik |
sonic |
soporifik |
soporific |
sori |
sorry |
sorti |
sortie |
sosial |
social |
sociaal (Dutch)
sosiawan |
social |
sosiawati |
social |
sosiawati |
social |
sosio- |
socio- |
socio- (Dutch)
sosiokultural |
sociocultural |
sosiolek |
sociolect (English or Dutch) |
sosiopat |
sociopath |
sparepart |
spare part |
sparing |
sparring |
spasial |
spatial |
spastik |
spastic |
spedometer |
speedometer |
spektro- |
spectro- |
spectro- (Dutch)
spektrokimia |
spectrochemistry |
spekulator |
speculator |
spelter |
spelter |
spermatofora |
spermatophore |
spermatogenesis |
spermatogenesis |
spermisida |
spermicide |
spidbot |
speed-boat |
spidometer |
speedometer |
spirakel |
spiracle |
spirilum |
spirillum |
spirit |
spirit (English or Dutch) |
spiritual |
spiritual |
spiritueel (Dutch)
spiritualisasi |
spiritualization |
sponsor |
sponsor |
sprint |
sprint |
sprinter |
sprinter |
stagnan |
stagnant |
stamina |
stamina |
stapler |
stapler |
staples |
staples |
star |
star |
start |
start (English or Dutch) |
starter |
starter |
stasis |
stasis (English or Dutch) |
statement |
statement |
stearin |
stearin |
steatosis |
steatosis (English or Dutch) |
stegodon |
stegodon |
steik |
steak |
stela |
stele |
stending |
standing |
stengun |
Sten gun |
stenografer |
stenographer |
stenograaf (Dutch)
stensil |
stencil |
stencil (Dutch)
step |
step |
steradian |
steradian |
stereo |
stereo (English or Dutch) |
stereo- |
stereo- |
stereo- (Dutch)
stereofonik |
stereophonic |
stereognosis |
stereognosis |
stereograf |
stereograph |
stereoisomerisme |
stereoisomerism |
stereokimia |
kimia |
stéréo- (Dutch)
steroid |
steroid |
steroidal |
steroidal |
sterol |
sterol |
sterples |
strapless |
stevador |
stevedore |
steward |
steward |
stewardes |
stewardess |
stik |
stick |
stiker |
sticker |
stilisasi |
stylization |
stilograf |
stylograph |
stimulatif |
stimulative |
stok |
stock |
stokastik |
stochastic |
stoliditas |
stolidity |
stomatogastrik |
stomatogastric |
stori |
story |
strategik |
strategic |
strato |
strato(volcano) |
stres |
stress |
stresor |
stressor |
stringbas |
string bass |
striptis |
strip-tease |
stroberi |
strawberry |
strobila |
strobila |
stroke |
stroke |
struktural |
structural |
struktureel (Dutch)
subdermal |
subdermal |
suberat |
suberate |
suberin |
suberin |
subgenus |
subgenus |
subkelas |
subclass |
subklinik |
subclinical |
subkultur |
subculture |
subcultuur (Dutch)
sublimatif |
sublimitave |
submarine |
submarine |
submukosa |
submucosa |
subsonik |
subsonic |
substansial |
substantial |
substantieel (Dutch)
substitutif |
substitutive |
subtipe |
subtype |
subtitel |
subtitle |
subtonik |
subtonic |
subtropik |
subtropic |
subtropisch (Dutch)
suburban |
suburban |
sugar |
sugar |
suing |
swing |
sulfhidril |
sulphydryl |
sulfur |
sulphur |
sulfurasi |
sulphurization |
super- |
super- |
super- (Dutch)
superfisial |
superficial |
superior |
superior |
superjet |
super-jet |
superkomputer |
supercomputer |
superkonduktor |
superconductor |
superlunar |
superlunar |
supermarket |
supermarket |
supermen |
superman |
supernatural |
supernatural |
supersonik |
supersonic |
superstar |
superstar |
superstruktur |
superstructure |
suplai |
supply |
suplaier |
supplier |
suplementasi |
supplementation |
suport |
support |
suporter |
supporter |
suportif |
supportive |
supra- |
supra- |
supra- (Dutch)
suprafiks |
suprafix |
supranatural |
supranatural |
suprasegmental |
suprasegmental |
supritendan |
Superintendent |
surfaktan |
surfactant |
survei |
survey |
suspens |
suspense |
sutura |
suture |
sweter |
sweater |
swing |
swing |
syantung |
shantung |
syer |
share |
syiling |
shilling |
syok |
shock |
syuting |
shooting |
tabloid |
tabloid |
tabu |
taboo |
tabulasi |
tabulation |
taeniasis |
taeniasis |
tafeta |
taffeta |
taifun |
typhoon |
大風 taaî fung (Chinese.C)
take off |
take-off |
takel |
to tackle |
taksin |
taxine |
taksologi |
taxology |
taktikal |
tactical |
talasemia |
thalassaemia |
tanker |
tanker (English or Dutch) |
tantalum |
tantalum |
tapestri |
tapestry |
taraksasin |
taraxacin |
target |
target |
tarpaulin |
tarpaulin (tar pall -in(g)) |
tarsus |
tarsus |
tartar |
tartar |
tartir |
tartar |
tarzan |
tarzan (English or Dutch) |
tato |
tattoo |
tautofoni |
tautophony |
tautomerisme |
tautomerism |
tautonomi |
tautonymy |
tegmen |
tegmen |
tekel |
tackle |
teknonim |
teknonym |
teknonimi |
teknonymy |
tekstual |
textual |
tekstural |
textural |
tektogenesa |
tectogenesis |
tektonik |
tectonic |
tektum |
tectum |
tela |
tela |
tele- |
tele- |
tele- (Dutch)
telekinesis |
telekinesis |
teleks |
telex |
teleost |
teleost |
teleprinter |
teleprinter |
telepromter |
Teleprompter |
telestesia |
telaesthesia |
telurat |
tellurate |
tem |
time |
tematik |
thematic |
temperamental |
temperamental |
temporal |
temporal |
tender |
tender |
tendon |
tendon |
tendonitis |
tendonitis |
tengkyu |
thank you |
teorisasi |
theorization |
tep |
tape |
teprekorder |
tape-recorder |
terapeutik |
therapeutic |
terapis |
therapist |
terestrial |
terrestrial |
teripal |
triple |
termionika |
thermionics |
termo- |
thermo- |
thermo- (Dutch)
termoelektrisitas |
thermo-electricity |
termofili |
thermophily |
termofilik |
thermophilic |
termofosforesens |
thermophosphorescence |
termoklin |
thermocline |
termolisis |
thermolysis |
termoluminesens |
thermoluminescence |
termoplastik |
thermoplastic |
termos |
Thermos |
thermos(fles) (Dutch)
teror |
terror |
terpal |
tarpaulin (tar pall -in(g)) |
testa |
testa |
tester |
tester |
testing |
testing |
tetrahidrokanabinol |
tetrahydrocannabinol |
tetraploid |
tetraploid |
tetraploide (Dutch)
tetrasiklin |
tetracycline (English or Dutch) |
Thailand |
Thailand |
tik |
tick |
tim |
team |
timber |
timber |
timpanitis |
tympanitis |
timpanum |
tympanum |
tinejer |
teenager |
tinitus |
tinnitus |
tip |
tip (English or Dutch) |
tip |
tip |
tipifikasi |
typification |
tipikal |
typical |
tiratron |
thyratron |
thyratroon (Dutch)
tiroid |
thyroid |
tiroksin |
thyroxin(e) |
thyroxine (Dutch)
tisu |
tissue |
titilasi |
titillation |
tiub |
tube |
tivi |
TV |
toas |
toast |
toksemia |
toxaemia |
toksik |
toxic |
toksikogenik |
toxicogenic |
tomboi |
tomboy |
tonetika |
tonetics |
tonik |
tonic |
tonisitas |
tonicity |
tonit |
tonite |
tophit |
tophit |
topik |
topic |
toples |
topless |
tos |
toss |
trabekula |
trabecula |
tradisional |
traditional |
traditioneel (Dutch)
trafik |
traffic |
tragis |
tragic |
tragisch (Dutch)
tragus |
tragus |
trailer |
trailer |
training |
training |
trama |
trama |
trans |
trance (English or Dutch) |
trans- |
trans- |
trans- (Dutch)
transeksual |
transsexual |
transfer |
transfer |
transformasionalis |
transformationalist |
transisional |
transitional |
transit |
transit (English or Dutch) |
translator |
translator |
translusens |
translucence |
transmiter |
transmitter |
transmogrifikasi |
transmogrification |
transnasional |
transnational |
transponder |
transponder |
transvestisme |
transvestism |
traumatis |
traumatic |
traumatisch (Dutch)
travel |
travel |
trawler |
trawler |
trek |
track |
treking |
tracking, trekking |
trematoda |
trematode |
trend |
trend |
trendi |
trendy |
tri- |
tri- (English or Dutch) |
triad |
triad |
triade (Dutch)
tribokelistrikan |
tribo-electricity |
tridentat |
tridentate |
trifoliat |
trifoliate |
triftong |
triphthong |
triftong (Dutch)
trigliserida |
triglyceride |
trigraf |
trigraph |
trihidrik |
trihydric |
trik |
trick |
trikuspid |
tricuspid |
trim |
trim |
trip |
trip |
trip (Dutch)
tripod |
tripod |
tripode (Dutch)
tripolar |
tripolar |
tripsin |
trypsin |
trips inogen |
trypsinogen |
triptotos |
triptote |
triturasi |
trituration |
trofi |
trophy |
trofoblas |
trophoblast |
troi |
troy |
troika |
troika |
trojka (Dutch)
trokanter |
trochanter |
trokar |
trocar |
trombosis |
thrombosis |
tropik |
tropics |
tropika |
tropics |
tropikal |
tropical |
truk |
truck (English or Dutch) |
tubektomi |
tubectomy |
tuberkulosis |
tuberculosis |
tuisyen |
tuition |
tuit |
tweed |
tuksedo |
tuxedo |
tulip |
tulip |
tulp (Dutch)
tuna |
tuna |
tungsten |
tungsten |
tunika |
tunica (English or Dutch) |
turbo |
turbo |
turbogenerator |
turbo-generator |
turbogenerator (Dutch)
turbojet |
turbo-jet |
turboprop |
turbo-prop |
turboprop (Dutch)
turistik |
touristic |
turnamen |
tournament |
tutor |
tutor |
tutorial |
tutorial |
ukulele |
ukulele (English or Dutch) |
ultimogenitur |
ultimogeniture |
ultra- |
ultra- |
ultra- (Dutch)
ultrafilter |
ultrafilter (English or Dutch) |
ultramodern |
ultramodern |
ultrasonik |
ultrasonic |
ultrasonika |
ultrasonics |
ultrasonografi |
ultrasonography |
umbilikus |
umbilicus |
umbo |
umbo |
umbra |
umbra (English or Dutch) |
uni- |
uni- |
uni- (Dutch)
unikameral |
unicameral |
unilineal |
unilineal |
unilinear |
unilinear |
union |
union |
unipolar |
unipolar |
uniseks |
unisex |
uniseks (Dutch)
uniseluler |
unicellular |
unit |
unit |
unitarian |
Unitarian |
univalen |
univalent |
upgrade |
upgrade |
uraemia |
uremia |
urakus |
urachus |
urea |
urea |
uremia |
uraemia |
uretan |
urethane |
urinalisis |
urinalysis |
utopia |
Utopia, utopie (English or Dutch) |
utopian |
Utopian |
utopianisme |
Utopianism |
uvular |
uvular |
uvulaar (Dutch)
V.I.P. |
V.I.P. |
vaksinator |
vaccinator |
Valentin |
Valentine |
van |
van |
varus |
varus |
vas |
vas |
vaskularisasi |
vascularization |
vaskuler |
vascular |
vasculair (Dutch)
vaskulum |
vasculum |
vasodilatasi |
vasodilatation |
veddoid |
Veddoid |
vegetarian |
vegetarian |
vegetariër (Dutch)
velamentum |
velamentum |
velarisasi |
velarization |
velarisering (Dutch)
velositas |
velocity |
ventrikulus |
ventriculus |
ventura |
venture |
verbalisasi |
verbalization |
verbalisering (Dutch)
verdigris |
verdigris |
vertebra |
vertebra |
viabel |
viable |
viabilitas |
viability |
vibran |
vibrant |
video |
video (English or Dutch) |
viktimisasi |
victimization |
vinikultur |
viniculture |
viola |
viola |
violin |
violin |
violinis |
violinist |
viral |
viral |
viraal (Dutch)
virtual |
virtual |
virtueel (Dutch)
virtuoso |
virtuoso |
visa |
visa |
visera |
viscera |
visibel |
visible |
visibilitas |
visibility |
visual |
visual |
visueel (Dutch)
vitreositas |
vitreosity |
vitrifikasi |
vitrification |
vokasional |
vocational |
vokoid |
vocoid |
volatil |
volatile |
volatiel (Dutch)
volkanik |
volcanic |
volunter |
volunteer |
volontair (Dutch)
voting |
voting |
vulger |
vulgar |
vulgair (Dutch)
vulkanit |
vulcanite |
wad |
ward |
walabi |
wallaby |
walki-talki |
walkie-talkie |
warming |
warming (up) |
watermark |
watermark |
welter |
welter(weight) |
wesket |
waistcoat |
westernis |
western |
westernisasi |
westernization |
westernisme |
westernism |
wig |
wig |
wing |
wing |
winglet |
winglet |
wiski |
whisky |
wogobogi |
boogie-woogie |
workshop |
workshop |
x |
x |
x (Dutch)
x |
X(-ray) |
xantat |
xanthate |
xantena |
xanthene |
xenia |
xenia |
xenofil |
xenophile |
xenofobia |
xenophobia |
xenoglosia |
xenoglossia |
xenomania |
xenomania |
xenon |
xenon (English or Dutch) |
xerofit |
xerophyte |
xeroftalmia |
xerophtalmia |
xerosis |
xerosis |
xerox |
Xerox |
xerox (Dutch)
xifoid |
xiphoid |
xiloid |
xyloid |
xiloidina |
xiloidine |
xilonit |
xylonite |
xylo- |
xylo- (English or Dutch) |
y |
y |
y |
y (English or Dutch) |
yard |
yard |
yel |
yell |
yolk |
yolk |
you |
you |
yudikatif |
judicative |
yudisial |
judicial |
zebu |
zebu |
zib |
jib |
zimolisis |
enzymolysis |
zimosis |
zymosis |
zimotik |
zymotic |
zirkonia |
zirconia |
ziter |
zither |
zoetrop |
zoetrope |
zon |
zone |
zoning |
zoning |
zoo- |
zoo- |
zoö- (Dutch)
zoofobia |
zoophobia |
zoonosis |
zoonosis |
zulu |
Zulu |