Re: Templat to ask for checking page/translation
suntingHi Serpicozaure, you can leave your message to me here in Wiktionary. I come here often :) About the template you're asking, I don't think we already have it, I'll prepare one. Thanks. •• ivanlanin ♫ 14:26, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)
- Hi Serpicozaure, you can use
tag on top of the article. Please try it. Thx. •• ivanlanin ♫ 14:37, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)
Hi Serpicozaure. padlock = gembok while lock = kunci. You're right :) To be honest, I'm amazed and very thankful for what you've done here. •• ivanlanin ♫ 14:56, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)
suntingYes, I sometimes online on irc:// •• ivanlanin ♫ 23:17, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)
Re: Key and lock
suntingHi Serpicozaure, key and lock in casual Indonesian both translated into "kunci". For example
- Those are the keys = Itu kuncinya.
- Please lock the door = Tolong kunci pintu.
But I think in a more "dictionary" style Indonesian, “lock” = “ibu kunci” while “key” = “anak kunci”. But those are rarely used :) You might as well ask Kisti. •• ivanlanin ♫ 15:10, 4 Juni 2007 (UTC)
Re: Bot request lagi !!!!
suntingVous pouvez parler indonésien très bien ;) Regarding your request, it is logically possible. But I haven't tried anything like that before. I'll try to tweak the bot, but no promise :) I'll let you know in one or two days. Thx. •• ivanlanin ♫ 16:39, 6 Juni 2007 (UTC)
Re: Category
suntingHi Serpicozaure. Tidak apa-apa :) Those categories are correct grammatically. People understand them. Btw, I see you've visited w:Wikipedia:Warung Kopi (Bahasa). It's a very good place too ask question since there's more people visiting Wikipedia then Wiktionary. •• ivanlanin ♫ 08:17, 8 Juni 2007 (UTC)
warung kopi
IMO, I prefer to use warung kopi in id.wiktionary to discuss translation matter such as the ones that you've put in the pembicaraan page. However, it's true that we can use w:Wikipedia:Warung Kopi (Bahasa) to get more feedback from other people. This could be used if we find difficult words/problems that we cannot solve directly here. kisti 10:31, 8 Juni 2007 (UTC)
suntingSalut Serpicozaure,
J'ai ajoute' un message ici au sujet des liens vers le wiktionaire tlh: Klingon et j'appre'cierais votre attention
Amicalement nl:Gebruiker:Jcwf Jcwf 17:50, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Hello Serpicozaure,
you placed the de:MediaWiki:If-search.js script at wikiMediaWiki:Common.js accidentally. You should place the *updated* script from de:MediaWiki:If-search.js into MediaWiki:Common.js ;-) Consider importing the script, see de:MediaWiki:If-search.js/import. --- Best regards, Melancholie 08:22, 4 Maret 2009 (UTC)
Test "Demande Aide Trad"
--Szyx 09:45, 6 Maret 2009 (UTC)
suntingAlors, ici aussi - c bon...--Agricoleur 13:11, 6 Maret 2009 (UTC)
Diskusi di Warung Kopi terkait KBBI
suntingSilakan berpartisipasi di dalam diskusi di Warung Kopi untuk membahas penambahan entri KBBI ke dalam Wiktionary.
suntingTake a look at Istimewa:Halaman_baru and look at the hidden mini-tutorial when you click edit. I'm using Template:kotak mulai instead of Templat:( now. Tell me what you think.
✒ Bennylin 6 Desember 2011 16.18 (UTC)
Re: Maka
suntingBetul pak, beberapa ratus entri masih belum dimasukkan definisi bahasa Indonesianya, daftarnya di Wiktionary:ProyekWiki KBBI/Daftar kata/Dasar/Biru (semua lema di KBBI yang sudah dibuat sebelum bot saya). Selain itu beberapa yang masih belum diselesaikan: nama-nama, kata berimbuhan (biru), dan kata-kata ulang (baik plural maupun kata ulang yang lain).
✒ Bennylin 19 April 2012 12.22 (UTC)
suntingMaaf terlambat menjawab. Menurut saya istilah Indonesia yang tepat adalah kata seru (= interejeksi, kebanyakan satu suku kata saja), sedangkan semua interjeksi termasuk dalam partikel. Partikel dapat berupa interjeksi, preposisi, konjungsi, artikel, dan penegas. Saya setuju kalau kata-kata itu diperjelas lagi menjadi Kategori:id:Interjeksi (untuk mengisi kategori tersebut). Di Wiktionary, Wikibuku dan Wikipedia sudah saling saya kaitkan.
✒ Bennylin 30 Mei 2014 16.29 (UTC)
- (Balasan yang terlambat) Wah, saya baru baca ternyata ada pesan sejak 2013 yang belum saya jawab... (permintaan bantuan penyempurnaan templat). Apakah bantuan saya masih dibutuhkan? Sekali lagi maaf.
✒ Bennylin 30 Mei 2014 16.32 (UTC)
Halaman yang tidak bermakna
suntingKok kamu pas tulis yang Pagename nya malah arti pertamanya cuman [[]] gitu aja jadi saya ubah deh artinya jadi ada artinya Hasif Naufal Ramadan (bicara) 29 Mei 2023 03.19 (UTC)