• Lebih cepat kalau tulis di sana.
  • Faster if you write there.
  • Plus rapide si tu ecris .

Re: Templat to ask for checking page/translation


Hi Serpicozaure, you can leave your message to me here in Wiktionary. I come here often :) About the template you're asking, I don't think we already have it, I'll prepare one. Thanks. •• ivanlanin 14:26, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Hi Serpicozaure, you can use {{checktrans}} tag on top of the article. Please try it. Thx. •• ivanlanin 14:37, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Hi Serpicozaure. padlock = gembok while lock = kunci. You're right :) To be honest, I'm amazed and very thankful for what you've done here. •• ivanlanin 14:56, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)

I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand what you mean by "translation portal". Could you please elaborate or give sample page on other Wiktionaries? •• ivanlanin 15:00, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)



Yes, I sometimes online on irc://irc.wikimedia.org/id.wikipedia •• ivanlanin 23:17, 3 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Re: Key and lock


Hi Serpicozaure, key and lock in casual Indonesian both translated into "kunci". For example

  • Those are the keys = Itu kuncinya.
  • Please lock the door = Tolong kunci pintu.

But I think in a more "dictionary" style Indonesian, “lock” = “ibu kunci” while “key” = “anak kunci”. But those are rarely used :) You might as well ask Kisti. •• ivanlanin 15:10, 4 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Re: Bot request lagi !!!!


Vous pouvez parler indonésien très bien ;) Regarding your request, it is logically possible. But I haven't tried anything like that before. I'll try to tweak the bot, but no promise :) I'll let you know in one or two days. Thx. •• ivanlanin 16:39, 6 Juni 2007 (UTC)

Re: Category


Hi Serpicozaure. Tidak apa-apa :) Those categories are correct grammatically. People understand them. Btw, I see you've visited w:Wikipedia:Warung Kopi (Bahasa). It's a very good place too ask question since there's more people visiting Wikipedia then Wiktionary. •• ivanlanin 08:17, 8 Juni 2007 (UTC)

warung kopi



IMO, I prefer to use warung kopi in id.wiktionary to discuss translation matter such as the ones that you've put in the pembicaraan page. However, it's true that we can use w:Wikipedia:Warung Kopi (Bahasa) to get more feedback from other people. This could be used if we find difficult words/problems that we cannot solve directly here. kisti 10:31, 8 Juni 2007 (UTC)



Salut Serpicozaure,

J'ai ajoute' un message ici au sujet des liens vers le wiktionaire tlh: Klingon et j'appre'cierais votre attention

Amicalement nl:Gebruiker:Jcwf Jcwf 17:50, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Hello Serpicozaure,
you placed the de:MediaWiki:If-search.js script at wikiMediaWiki:Common.js accidentally. You should place the *updated* script from de:MediaWiki:If-search.js into MediaWiki:Common.js ;-) Consider importing the script, see de:MediaWiki:If-search.js/import. --- Best regards, Melancholie 08:22, 4 Maret 2009 (UTC)

Test "Demande Aide Trad"

Bonjour Serpicozaure, Le Wiktionnaire a besoin de tes connaissances pour lever, si tu le souhaites, une ambigüité dans la section « Traduction » d'une de ses pages : :fr:bibliothèque.


--Szyx 09:45, 6 Maret 2009 (UTC)

Alors, ici aussi - c bon...--Agricoleur 13:11, 6 Maret 2009 (UTC)

Diskusi di Warung Kopi terkait KBBI


Silakan berpartisipasi di dalam diskusi di Warung Kopi untuk membahas penambahan entri KBBI ke dalam Wiktionary.

10:50, 17 Juni 2011 (UTC)

J'ai répondu votre message. Salam.
27 November 2011 15.30 (UTC)Balas



Take a look at Istimewa:Halaman_baru and look at the hidden mini-tutorial when you click edit. I'm using Template:kotak mulai instead of Templat:( now. Tell me what you think.
6 Desember 2011 16.18 (UTC)Balas

Some more major changes, including new look and feel, and some javascripts (based on en.wikt's gadget). Would love to hear what you think. Merci.

Re: Maka


Betul pak, beberapa ratus entri masih belum dimasukkan definisi bahasa Indonesianya, daftarnya di Wiktionary:ProyekWiki KBBI/Daftar kata/Dasar/Biru (semua lema di KBBI yang sudah dibuat sebelum bot saya). Selain itu beberapa yang masih belum diselesaikan: nama-nama, kata berimbuhan (biru), dan kata-kata ulang (baik plural maupun kata ulang yang lain).
19 April 2012 12.22 (UTC)Balas



Maaf terlambat menjawab. Menurut saya istilah Indonesia yang tepat adalah kata seru (= interejeksi, kebanyakan satu suku kata saja), sedangkan semua interjeksi termasuk dalam partikel. Partikel dapat berupa interjeksi, preposisi, konjungsi, artikel, dan penegas. Saya setuju kalau kata-kata itu diperjelas lagi menjadi Kategori:id:Interjeksi (untuk mengisi kategori tersebut). Di Wiktionary, Wikibuku dan Wikipedia sudah saling saya kaitkan.
30 Mei 2014 16.29 (UTC)Balas

(Balasan yang terlambat) Wah, saya baru baca ternyata ada pesan sejak 2013 yang belum saya jawab... (permintaan bantuan penyempurnaan templat). Apakah bantuan saya masih dibutuhkan? Sekali lagi maaf.
30 Mei 2014 16.32 (UTC)Balas

Halaman yang tidak bermakna


Kok kamu pas tulis yang Pagename nya malah arti pertamanya cuman [[]] gitu aja jadi saya ubah deh artinya jadi ada artinya Hasif Naufal Ramadan (bicara) 29 Mei 2023 03.19 (UTC)Balas