- Britania (Received Pronunciation) IPA: /leɪt/
- (deprecated use of parameter)
audio (file) - Amerika Serikat (Umum) IPA: /leɪt/
- (deprecated use of parameter)
audio (file)
Adjektiva [ en ]
- Mendekati akhir jangka waktu tertentu:
- It was late in the evening when we finally arrived.
- Waktu kami tiba sudah sangat sore.
- It was late in the evening when we finally arrived.
- Malam:
- It's late; let's go home.
- Sudah malam, ayo kita pulang.
- It's late; let's go home.
- Terlambat, kasip, telat:
- Even though we drove as fast as we could, we were still late.
- Walaupun kami berkendara secepat mungkin, tetap saja terlambat.
- Too late — the train is gone.
- Terlambat sudah — kereta api sudah jalan.
- Even though we drove as fast as we could, we were still late.
- Almarhum/almarhumah, mendiang:
- the late Mr. Smith
- almarhum Tuan Smith
- the late Mr. Smith
Adverbia [ en ]
- Telat, dengan terlambat.
- He came late and missed the opening speech.
- Ia terlambat datang, jadi tidak sempat mendengarkan pidato pembuka.
- He came late and missed the opening speech.