bahasa Estonia sunting

Adverbia [et]


  1. (cak) · Script error: The function "non_gloss_definition_t" does not exist.:
    Ma ju armastan sind
  2. (cak) · rupanya; barangkali; agaknya; sepertinya:
    Ju ta tahab homme minna

bahasa Kangean sunting

Partikel [kkv]

ju /ˈd͡ʒu/

  1. (cak) · Script error: The function "non_gloss_definition_t" does not exist.; dong:
    Jek kalak ju,
    Dediagen hetong ju
  2. (cak) · Script error: The function "non_gloss_definition_t" does not exist.; sih:
    Ena harapa ju?,
    Teroa ju?
Adverbia [kkv]

ju /ˈd͡ʒu/

  1. (cak) · Script error: The function "non_gloss_definition_t" does not exist.:
    Lah ju mamma katerosanna,
    Mon ako ju tak omes
  2. (cak) · makin; terlalu:
    Bernana ju celeng
Verba [kkv]

ju /ˈd͡ʒu/

  1. (cak) · menjadi:
    Ju acereng-cerengan ambek pate