Dokumentasi untuk modul ini dapat dibuat di Modul:pages/doc
local require = require
local require_when_needed = require("Module:require when needed")
local decode_entities = require_when_needed("Module:string utilities", "decode_entities")
local find = string.find
local format = string.format
local get_current_section -- Defined below.
local gsub = string.gsub
local is_valid_title -- Defined below.
local lower = string.lower
local match = string.match
local new_title =
local sub = string.sub
local tonumber = tonumber
local trim = require_when_needed("Module:string utilities", "trim")
local type = type
local unstrip_nowiki = mw.text.unstripNoWiki
local export = {}
Returns true if the title object is a valid title that is not an interwiki link.]==]
function export.is_valid_title(title)
-- Note: Mainspace titles starting with "#" should be invalid, but a bug in and mw.title.makeTitle means a title object is returned that has the empty string for prefixedText, so they need to be filtered out.
return title and #title.prefixedText > 0 and #title.interwiki == 0
is_valid_title = export.is_valid_title
Returns true if `pagename` is a valid page title that is not an interwiki link.]==]
function export.is_valid_page_name(pagename)
return is_valid_title(new_title(pagename))
-- Any template/module with "sandbox" in the title. These are impossible
-- to screen for more accurately, as there's no consistent pattern. Also
-- any user sandboxes in the form (e.g.) "Template:User:...".
local function is_sandbox(text)
return (find(lower(text), "sandbox", 1, true) or sub(text, 1, 5) == "User:") and true or false
-- Any template/module documentation pages.
local function is_documentation(text)
return match(text, "./documentation$") and true or false
-- Any template/module testcases (which can be labelled and/or followed by
-- further subpages).
local function is_testcase_page(text)
return match(text, "./[Tt]estcases?%f[%L]") and true or false
Returns the page type of `title` in a format which can be used in running text.]==]
function export.pagetype(title)
-- Content models have overriding priority, as they can appear in
-- nonstandard places due to page content model changes.
local content_model = title.contentModel
if content_model == "css" or content_model == "sanitized-css" then
return "stylesheet"
elseif content_model == "javascript" then
return "script"
elseif content_model == "json" then
return "JSON data"
elseif content_model == "MassMessageListContent" then
return "mass message delivery list"
-- Modules.
elseif content_model == "Scribunto" then
local title_text = title.text
if is_sandbox(title_text) then
return "module sandbox"
elseif is_testcase_page(title_text) then
return "module testcase page"
return "module"
elseif content_model == "text" then
return "page" -- ???
-- Otherwise, the content model is "wikitext", so check namespaces.
elseif title.isTalkPage then
return "talk page"
local ns = title.namespace
-- Main namespace.
if ns == 0 then
return "entry"
-- Wiktionary:
elseif ns == 4 then
return "project page"
-- MediaWiki: and TimedText:
elseif ns == 8 or ns == 710 then
return title.nsText .. " page"
elseif ns == 10 then
local title_text = title.text
if is_sandbox(title_text) then
return "template sandbox"
elseif is_documentation(title_text) then
return "template documentation page"
elseif is_testcase_page(title_text) then
return "template testcase page"
return "template"
-- Any non-Scribunto pages in the Module: space (which will almost
-- always be documentation subpages). Any remaining will get default
-- handling as "module pages".
elseif ns == 828 then
local title_text = title.text
if is_sandbox(title_text) then
return "module sandbox"
elseif is_documentation(title_text) then
return "module documentation page"
local ns_text = lower(title.nsText)
-- Category: and Appendix:
if ns == 14 or ns == 100 then
return ns_text
-- Thesaurus: and Reconstruction:
elseif ns == 110 or ns == 118 then
return ns_text .. " entry"
return gsub(ns_text, "_", " ") .. " page"
local function check_level(lvl)
if type(lvl) ~= "number" then
error("Heading levels must be numbers.")
elseif lvl < 1 or lvl > 6 or lvl % 1 ~= 0 then
error("Heading levels must be integers between 1 and 6.")
return lvl
A helper function which iterates over the headings in `text`, which should be the content of a page or (main) section.
Each iteration returns three values: `sec` (the section title), `lvl` (the section level) and `loc` (the index of the section in the given text, from the first equals sign). The section title will be automatically trimmed, and any HTML entities will be resolved.
The optional parameter `a` (which should be an integer between 1 and 6) can be used to ensure that only headings of the specified level are iterated over. If `b` is also given, then they are treated as a range.
The optional parameters `a` and `b` can be used to specify a range, so that only headings with levels in that range are returned. If only `a` is given ...
local function find_headings(text, a, b)
a = a and check_level(a) or nil
b = b and check_level(b) or a or nil
local start, loc, lvl, sec = 1
return function()
loc, lvl, sec, start = match(text, "()%f[^%z\n](==?=?=?=?=?)([^\n]+)%2[\t ]*%f[%z\n]()", start)
lvl = lvl and #lvl
until not (sec and a) or (lvl >= a and lvl <= b)
return sec and trim(decode_entities(sec)) or nil, lvl, loc
local function _get_section(content, name, level)
if not (content and name) then
return nil
elseif find(name, "\n", 1, true) then
error("Heading name cannot contain a newline.")
level = level and check_level(level) or nil
name = trim(decode_entities(name))
local start
for sec, lvl, loc in find_headings(content, level and 1 or nil, level) do
if start and lvl <= level then
return sub(content, start, loc - 1)
elseif not start and (not level or lvl == level) and sec == name then
start, level = loc, lvl
return start and sub(content, start)
A helper function to return the content of a page section.
`content` is raw wikitext, `name` is the requested section, and `level` is an optional parameter that specifies
the required section heading level. If `level` is not supplied, then the first section called `name` is returned.
`name` can either be a string or table of section names. If a table, each name represents a section that has the
next as a subsection. For example, { {"Spanish", "Noun"}} will return the first matching section called "Noun"
under a section called "Spanish". These do not have to be at adjacent levels ("Noun" might be L4, while "Spanish"
is L2). If `level` is given, it refers to the last name in the table (i.e. the name of the section to be returned).
The returned section includes all of its subsections. If no matching section is found, return {nil}.
function export.get_section(content, names, level)
if type(names) ~= "table" then
return _get_section(content, names, level)
local i = 1
local name = names[i]
if not name then
error("Must specify at least 1 section.")
while true do
local nxt_i = i + 1
local nxt = names[nxt_i]
if nxt == nil then
return _get_section(content, name, level)
content = _get_section(content, name)
if content == nil then
return nil
elseif i == 6 then
error("Not possible specify more than 6 sections: headings only go up to level 6.")
i = nxt_i
name = names[i]
return content
local current_section
A function which returns the number of the page section which contains the current {#invoke}.
function export.get_current_section()
if current_section then
return current_section
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local extension_tag = frame.extensionTag
-- We determine the section via the heading strip marker count, since they're numbered sequentially, but the only way to do this is to generate a fake heading via frame:preprocess(). The native parser assigns each heading a unique marker, but frame:preprocess() will return copies of older markers if the heading is identical to one further up the page, so the fake heading has to be unique to the page. The best way to do this is to feed it a heading containing a nowiki marker (which we will need later), since those are always unique.
local nowiki_marker = extension_tag(frame, "nowiki")
-- Note: heading strip markers have a different syntax to the ones used for tags.
local h = tonumber(match(
frame:preprocess("=" .. nowiki_marker .. "="),
-- For some reason, [[Special:ExpandTemplates]] doesn't generate a heading strip marker, so if that happens we simply abort early.
if not h then
return 0
-- The only way to get the section number is to increment the heading count, so we store the offset in nowiki strip markers which can be retrieved by procedurally unstripping nowiki markers, counting backwards until we find a match.
local n, offset = tonumber(match(
), 16)
while not offset and n > 0 do
n = n - 1
offset = match(
unstrip_nowiki(format("\127'\"`UNIQ--nowiki-%08X-QINU`\"'\127", n)),
"^HEADING\1(%d+)" -- Prefix "HEADING\1" prevents collisions.
offset = offset and (offset + 1) or 0
extension_tag(frame, "nowiki", "HEADING\1" .. offset)
current_section = h - offset
return current_section
get_current_section = export.get_current_section
local L2_sections
A function which returns the name of the L2 language section which contains the current {#invoke}.
function export.get_current_L2()
local section = get_current_section()
if section == 0 then
L2_sections = L2_sections or mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").page.L2_sections
while section > 0 do
local L2 = L2_sections[section]
if L2 then
return L2
section = section - 1
return export