Lampiran:Klasifikasi tesaurus Roget/Arsip
Kelas I. Kata-kata yang mengungkapkan hubungan abstrak
suntingBagian I. Keberadaan
sunting- 1. Wujud abstrak (Being, in The Abstract)
- 2. Wujud konkret (Being, In The Concrete)
- 3. Keberadaan formal
- 005. intrinsicality (intrinsicality)
- 006. extrinsicality (extrinsicality)
- 4. Keberadaan modal
- 007. state (state)
- 008. circumstance (circumstance)
Bagian II. Hubungan
sunting- 1. Hubungan mutlak (absolute relation)
- 009. hubungan (relation)
- 010. tak berhubungan (irrelation)
- 011. hubungan darah (consanguinity)
- 012. saling berhubungan (correlation)
- 013. identitas (identity)
- 014. kontras (contrariety)
- 015. perbedaan (difference)
- 2. Hubungan berkelanjutan (Continuous relation)
- 016. keseragaman (uniformity)
- 016-1 ketakseragaman (nonuniformity)
- 3. Hubungan parsial (Partial Relation)
- 017. mirip (similarity)
- 018. beda (dissimilarity)
- 019. tiruan (imitation)
- 020. nonimitation (nonimitation)
- 020-1 variasi (variation)
- 021. salinan (copy)
- 022. prototipe (prototype)
- 4. Hubungan umum (General Relation)
- 023. kesepakatan (agreement)
- 024. ketaksepakatan (disagreement)
Bagian III. Kuantitas
sunting- 1. Kuantitas sederhana (Simple Quantity)
- 2. Kuantitas perbandingan (Comparative Quantity)
- 027. Kesetaraan (Equality)
- 028. Ketaksetaraan (Inequality)
- 029. Rata-rata (Mean)
- 030. Compensation (Compensation)
- 1 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan standar (Quantity by Comparison with a Standard)
- 031. Banyak Greatness
- 032. Sedikit Smallness
- 2 Kuantitas dengan membandingkan dengan benda yang sama (Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object)
- 3 Perubahan kuantitas (Changes in Quantity)
- 035. Bertambah (Increase)
- 036. Tak bertambah (Nonincrease)
- 037. Berkurang (Decrease)
- 3. Kuantitas konjungtif (Conjunctive Quantity)
- 037. Tambahan (Addition)
- 038. Pengurangan (Nonaddition, Subtraction)
- 039. Adjunct (Adjunct)
- 040. Sisa (Remainder)
- 040-1 Decrement (Decrement)
- 041. Campuran (Mixture)
- 042. Kesederhanaan (Simpleness)
- 043. Junction (Junction)
- 044. Disjunction (Disjunction)
- 045. Connection (Connection)
- 046. Padu (Coherence)
- 047. Tidak padu (Incoherence)
- 048. Kombinasi Combination
- 049. Decomposition (Decomposition)
- 4. Kuantitas konkret
- 050. Utuh (Whole)
- 051. Bagian (Part)
- 052. Lengkap (Completeness)
- 053. Tak lengkap (Incompleteness)
- 054. Komposisi (Composition)
- 055. Exclusion (Exclusion)
- 056. Komponen (Component)
- 057. Extraneousness (Extraneousness)
Bagian IV. Aturan
sunting- 1. Aturan umum (Order in General)
- 058. Keteraturan (Order)
- 059. Ketakteraturan (Disorder)
- 059-1 Kompleksitas (Complexity)
- 060. Susunan (Arrangement)
- 061. Derangement (Derangement)
- 2. Urutan
- 062. Precedence (Precedence)
- 063. Sequence (Sequence)
- 064. Precursor (Precursor)
- 065. Sequel (Sequel)
- 066. Awal {Beginning)
- 067. Akhir (End)
- 068. Tengah (Middle)
- 069. Continuity (Continuity)
- 070. Discontinuity (Discontinuity)
- 071. Term
- 3. Aturan kolektif (Collective order)
- 072. Pengumpulan (Assemblage)
- 073. Penyebaran (Nonassemblage, Dispersion)
- 074. Fokus (Focus)
- 4. Aturan distributif (Distributive order)
- 5. Aturan berkaitan dengan kategori (Order as Regards Categories)
- 080. Normality (Normality)
- 081. Multiformity (Multiformity)
- 082. Conformity (Conformity)
- 083. Unconformity (Unconformity)
Bagian V. Bilangan
sunting- 1. Bilangan abstrak (Number, in the Abstract)
- 2. Bilangan tentu (Determinate Number)
- 087. Satu (Unity)
- 088. Accompaniment (Accompaniment)
- 089. Dua (Duality)
- 090. Penggandaan (Duplication)
- 091. Bagi dua (Bisection)
- 092. Tiga (Triality)
- 093. Rangkap tiga (Triplication)
- 094. Bagi tiga (Trisection)
- 095. Empat (Four)
- 096. Rangkap empat (Quadruplication)
- 097. Bagi empat (Quadrisection)
- 098. Lima (Five)
- 099. Bagi lima (Quinquesection)
- 3. Bilangan tak tentu (Indeterminate Number)
- 100. Jamak (Plurality)
- 100-1 Pecahan (Fraction)
- 101. Nol (Zero)
- 102. Banyak (Multitude)
- 103. Sedikit (Fewness)
- 104. Pengulangan (Repetition)
- 105. Tak hingga (Infinity)
Bagian VI. Waktu
sunting- 1. Waktu absolut (Absolute time)
- 106. Waktu Time
- 107. Neverness (Neverness)
- 108. Masa tertentu (Period)
- 108-1 Contingent Duration (Contingent Duration)
- 109. Masa tak tentu (Course)
- 110. Masa panjang (Diuturnity)
- 111. Masa pendek (Transientness)
- 112. Abadi (Perpetuity)
- 113. Instan (Instantaneity)
- 114. Ukuran waktu (Chronometry)
- 115. Anakronisme (Anachronism)
- 2. Waktu relatif (Relative Time)
- 1. Waktu berdasarkan urutan (Time with Reference to Succession)
- 116. Priority (Priority)
- 117. Posteriority (Posteriority)
- 118. Masa kini (The Present Time)
- 119. Waktu yang berbeda (Different time)
- 120. Waktu yang sama (Synchronism)
- 121. Masa depan (Futurity)
- 122. Masa lalu (The past)
- 2. Waktu berdasarkan masa tertentu (Time with Reference to a Particular Period)
- 3. Waktu berdasarkan tujuan (Time with Reference to an Effect or Purpose)
- 132. Terlalu awal (Earliness)
- 132A Tepat waktu (Punctuality)
- 133. Terlambat (Lateness)
- 134. Occasion (Occasion)
- 135. Untimeliness (Untimeliness)
- 1. Waktu berdasarkan urutan (Time with Reference to Succession)
- 3. Waktu berulang (Recurrent Time)
- 136. Sering Frequency
- 137. Jarang Infrequency
- 138. Berkala Periodicity
- 139. Irregularity of Recurrence
Bagian VII. Perubahan
sunting- 1. Perubahan sederhana (Simple Change)
- 140. Perubahan (Change)
- 141. Ketakberubahan (Permanence)
- 142. Berhenti terjadi (Cessation)
- 143. Terus berlangsung (Continuance In Action)
- 144. Conversion (Conversion)
- 145. Reversion (Reversion)
- 146. Revolusi (Revolution)
- 147. Pergantian (Substitution)
- 148. Pertukaran (Interchange)
- 2. Perubahan Kompleks (Complex Change)
- 149. changeableness (changeableness)
- 150. stabilitas (stability)
- 151. keniscayaan (eventuality)
- 152. takdir (destiny)
Bagian VIII. Sebab akibat
sunting- 1. Constancy of Sequence in Events
- 153. Sebab (Cause)
- 154. Akibat (Effect)
- 155. Attribution (Attribution)
- 156. Kebetulan (Chance)
- 2. Hubungan antara sebab-akibat (Connection between Cause and Effect)
- 3. Kekuatan beroperasi (Power in Operation)
- 161. Produksi (Production)
- 162. Penghancuran (Destruction)
- 163. Reproduksi (Reproduction)
- 164. Produsen (Producer)
- 165. Penghancur (Destroyer)
- 166. Orangtua (Paternity)
- 167. Keturunan (Posterity)
- 168. Produktivitas (Productiveness)
- 169. Tidak produktif (Unproductiveness)
- 170. Agensia (Agency)
- 171. Energi fisik (Physical Energy)
- 172. Inersia fisik (Physical Inertness)
- 173. Kekerasan (Violence)
- 174. Moderation (Moderation)
- 4. Kekuatan tak langsung (Indirect Power)
- 175. Pengaruh (Influence)
- 175A Tak ada pengaruh (Absence Of Influence)
- 176. Kecenderungan (Tendency)
- 177. Liability (Liability)
- 5. Kombinasi sebab (Combinations of Causes)
- 178. concurrence (concurrence)
- 179. counteraction (counteraction)
- 180. concomitance (concomitance)
Class II. Words Relating to Space
suntingBagian I. Ruang secara Umum (Space in General)
sunting- 1. Ruang abstrak (Abstract Space)
- 180. Ruang (Space)
- 180A Inextension (Inextension)
- 181. Wilayah (Region)
- 182. Tempat (Place)
- 2. Ruang relatif (Relative Space)
- 183. Situasi (Situation)
- 184. Lokasi (Location)
- 185. Displacement (Displacement)
- 3. Keberadaan dalam ruang (Existence in Space)
- 186. Kehadiran (Presence)
- 187. Ketidakhadiran (Absence)
- 188. Penghuni (Inhabitant)
- 189. Tempat tinggal (Abode)
- 190. Isi (Contents)
- 191. Wadah (Receptacle)
- 191A Wadah air
Bagian II. Dimensi (Dimensions)
sunting- 1. Dimensi umum (General Dimensions)
- 2. Dimensi linier (Linear Dimensions)
- 200. Panjang (Length)
- 201. Pendek (Shortness)
- 202. Lebar (Breadth, Thickness)
- 203. Sempit (Narrowness, Thinness)
- 204. Lapisan (Layer)
- 205. Tali (Filament)
- 206. Tinggi (Height)
- 207. Rendah (Lowness)
- 208. Dalam (Depth)
- 209. Dangkal (Shallowness)
- 210. Puncak (Summit)
- 211. Dasar (Base)
- 212. Vertikal (Verticality)
- 213. Horisontal (Horizontality)
- 214. Bergantung (Pendency)
- 215. Mendukung (Support)
- 216. Paralel (Parallelism)
- 216A Tegak lurus (Perpendicularity)
- 217. Obliquity (Obliquity)
- 218. Inversi (Inversion)
- 219. Crossing (Crossing)
- 3. Dimensi sentris (Centrical Dimensions)
- 1. Umum (General)
- 220. Exteriority (Exteriority)
- 221. Interiority (Interiority)
- 222. Centrality (Centrality)
- 223. Covering (Covering)
- 224. Lining (Lining)
- 225. Pakaian (Clothing)
- 226. Telanjang (Nudity)
- 227. Circumjacence (Circumjacence)
- 228. Interposition (Interposition)
- 229. Circumscription (Circumscription)
- 230. Garis luar (Outline)
- 231. Tepi (Edge)
- 232. Inclosure (Inclosure)
- 233. Batas (Limit)
- 2. Khusus (Special)
Section III. Form
sunting- 1. General Form
- 240. Form
- 241. Amorphism
- 242. Symmetry
- 243. Distortion
- 2. Special Form
- 244. Angularity
- 245. Curvature
- 246. Straightness
- 247. Circularity
- 248. Convolution
- 249. Rotundity
- 3. Superficial Form
Bagian IV. Gerak
sunting- 1. Gerak Umum
- 264. Gerak (Motion)
- 265. Geming (Quiescence)
- 266. Journey
- 267. Navigation
- 268. Traveler
- 269. Mariner
- 270. Transference
- 271. Carrier
- 272. Kendaraan (Vehicle)
- 273. Kapal laut (Ship)
- 273-1 Kapal udara
- 2. Degrees of Motion
- 3. Motion Conjoined with Force
- 4. Motion with Reference to Direction
- 278. Arah Direction
- 279. Penyimpangan Deviation
- 280 Precession
- 281 Sequence
- 282 Progression
- 283 Regression
- 284 Propulsion
- 285 Traction
- 286. Mendekat (Approach)
- 287. Menjauh (Recession)
- 288. Mendekatkan (Attraction)
- 289. Menjauhkan (Repulsion)
- 290. Bertemu (Convergence)
- 291. Berpisah (Divergence)
- 292. Tiba (Arrival
- 293. Berangkat (Departure)
- 294. Masuk (Ingress)
- 295. Keluar (Egress)
- 296. Memasukkan Reception
- 297. Mengeluarkan Ejection
- 298. Makanan Food
- 299. Pembuangan Excretion
- 300 (Insertion)
- 301 (Extraction)
- 302. Menembus (Passage)
- 303. Melampaui (Transcursion)
- 304 (Shortcoming)
- 305. Naik (Ascent)
- 306. Turun (Descent)
- 307. Menaikkan (Elevation)
- 308. Menurunkan (Depression)
- 309. Melompat (Leap)
- 310. Menukik (Plunge)
- 311. Memutar (Circuition)
- 312. Berputar (Rotation)
- 313. Mengurai (Evolution)
- 314. Gerakan bolak-balik (Oscillation)
- 315. Gerakan tak teratur (Agitation)
Section I. Matter in General
sunting- 316. Materiality
- 317. Immateriality
- 318. World
- 319. Gravity
- 320. Levity
Section II. Inorganic Matter
sunting- 1. Solid Matter
- 321. Density
- 322. Rarity
- 323. Hardness
- 324. Softness
- 325. Elasticity
- 326. Inelasticity
- 327. Tenacity
- 328. Brittleness
- 329. Texture
- 330. Pulverulence
- 331. Friction
- 332. Lubrication
- 2. Fluid Matter
- 1. Fluids In General
- 333. Fluidity
- 334. Gaseity
- 335. Liquefaction
- 336. Vaporization
- 2. Specific Fluids
- 3. Fluids in Motion
- 3. Imperfect Fluids
- 352. Semiliquidity
- 353. Bubble
- 354. Pulpiness
- 355. Unctuousness
- 356. Oil
- 356A. Resin
- 1. Vitality
- 1. Vitality in General
- 357. Organization
- 358. Inorganization
- 359. Hidup
- 360. Mati
- 361. Membunuh
- 362. Corpse - WikiSaurus:corpse
- 363. Pemakaman
- 2. Special Vitality
- 2. Sensation
- 1. Sensation in General
- 375. Physical Sensibility
- 376. Physical Insensibility
- 377. Physical Pleasure
- 378. Sakit fisik
- 2. Special Sensation
- (1) Touch
- (2) Heat
- 382. Heat
- 383. Cold
- 384. Calefaction
- 385. Refrigeration
- 386. Furnace
- 387. Refrigerator
- 388. Fuel
- 388A. Insulation
- 389. Thermometer
- (3) Taste
- 390. Taste
- 391. Insipidity
- 392. Pungency
- 392A. Saltiness
- 392B. Bitterness
- 393. Condiment
- 394. Savoriness
- 395. Unsavoriness
- 396. Sweetness
- 397. Sourness
- (4) Odor
- 398. Odor
- 399. Inodorousness
- 400. Fragrance
- 401. Fetor
- 401A. Acridity
- (5) Sound
- (I) Sound in General
- 402. Sound
- 403. Silence
- 404. Loudness
- 405. Faintness
- (II) Specific Sounds
- 406. Snap
- 407. Roll
- 408. Resonance
- 408A. Nonresonance†
- 409. Sibilation
- 410. Stridor
- 411. Cry
- 412. Ululation
- (III) Musical Sounds
- 413. Melody. Concord
- 414. Discord
- 415. Music
- 416. Musician
- 417. Musical Instruments
- (IV) Perception Of Sound
- 418. Hearing
- 419. Deafness
- (6) Light
- (I) Light in General
- 420. Cahaya Light
- 421. Gelap Darkness
- 422. Dimness
- 423. Luminary
- 424. Shade
- 425. Transparency
- 426. Opacity
- 426A. Turbidity
- 427. Semitransparency
- (II) Specific Light
- 428. Color
- 429. Achromatism
- 430. Whiteness
- 431. Blackness
- 432. Gray
- 433. Brown
- 434. Redness
- 435. Greenness
- 436. Yellowness
- 437. Purple
- 438. Blueness
- 439. Orange
- 440. Variegation
- (III) Perceptions of Light
- 441. Lihat
- 442. Blindness
- 443. Dimsightedness
- 444. Spectator
- 445. Optical Instruments
- 446. Visibility
- 447. Invisibility
- 448. Appearance
- 449. Disappearance
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties
suntingDivision I. Formation of Ideas
suntingSection I. Operations of Intellect in General
sunting- 450. Intellect
- 450A. Absence or Want of Intellect
- 451. Thought
- 452. Incogitancy
- 453. Idea
- 454. Topic
Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations
sunting- 455. Curiosity
- 456. Incuriosity
- 457. Attention
- 458. Inattention
- 459. Care
- 460. Neglect
- 461. Inquiry
- 462. Answer
- 463. Experiment
- 464. Comparison
- 464A. Incomparability
- 465. Discrimination
- 465A. Indiscrimination
- 465B. Identification
- 466. Measurement
Section III. Materials for Reasoning
sunting- 467. Evidence
- 468. Counter Evidence
- 469. Qualification
- 470. Possibility
- 471. Impossibility
- 472. Probability
- 473. Improbability
- 474. Certainty
- 475. Uncertainty
Section IV. Reasoning Processes
sunting- 476. Reasoning
- 477. Intuition & Sophistry
- 478. Demonstration
- 479. Confutation
Section V. Results Of Reasoning
sunting- 480. Judgment
- 480A. Discovery
- 481. Misjudgment
- 482. Overestimation
- 483. Underestimation
- 484. Belief
- 485. Unbelief. Doubt
- 486. Credulity
- 487. Incredulity
- 488. Assent
- 489. Dissent
- 490. Knowledge
- 491. Ignorance
- 492. Scholar
- 493. Ignoramus
- 494. Kebenaran Truth
- 495. Error
- 496. Maxim
- 497. Absurdity
- 498. Pintar Intelligence, Wisdom
- 499. Bodoh Imbecility, Folly
- 500. Sage
- 501. Fool
- 502. Sanity
- 503. Gila (Insanity)
- 504. Madman
Section VI. Extension of Thought
sunting- 1. To the Past
- 2. To the Future
- 507. Expectation
- 508. Inexpectation
- 509. Disappointment
- 510. Foresight
- 511. Prediction
- 512. Omen
- 513. Oracle
Section VII. Creative Thought
sunting- 514. Supposition
- 514A. Analogy
- 515. Imagination
Division II. Communication of Ideas
suntingSection I. Nature of Ideas Communicated
sunting- 516. Meaning
- 517. Unmeaningness
- 518. Intelligibility
- 519. Unintelligibility
- 520. Equivocalness
- 521. Metaphor
- 522. Interpretation
- 523. Misinterpretation
- 524. Interpreter
Section II. Modes of Communication
sunting- 525. Manifestation
- 526. Latency. Implication
- 527. Information
- 527A. Correction
- 528. Concealment
- 529. Disclosure
- 530. Ambush
- 531. Publication
- 532. News
- 533. Secret
- 534. Messenger
- 535. Affirmation
- 536. Negation
- 537. Teaching
- 538. Misteaching
- 539. Learning
- 540. Teacher
- 541. Learner
- 542. School
- 543. Veracity
- 544. Falsehood
- 545. Deception
- 546. Untruth
- 547. Dupe
- 548. Deceiver
- 549. Exaggeration
Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas
sunting- 1. Natural Means
- 550. Indication
- 551. Record
- 552. Obliteration
- 553. Recorder
- 554. Representation
- 555. Misrepresentation
- 556. Painting
- 557. Sculpture
- 558. Engraving
- 559. Artist
- 2. Conventional Means
- 1. Language Generally
- 560. Language
- 561. Letter
- 562. Word
- 563. Neologism
- 564. Nomenclature
- 565. Misnomer
- 566. Phrase
- 567. Grammar
- 568. Solecism
- 569. Style
- 570. Perspicuity
- 571. Obscurity
- 572. Conciseness
- 573. Diffuseness
- 574. Vigor
- 575. Feebleness
- 576. Plainness
- 577. Ornament
- 578. Elegance
- 579. Inelegance
- 2. Spoken Language
- 580. Voice
- 581. Aphony
- 582. Speech
- 583. Stammering
- 584. Loquacity
- 585. Taciturnity
- 586. Allocution
- 587. Response
- 588. Conversation
- 589. Soliloquy
- 3. Written Language
- 590. Writing
- 591. Printing
- 592. Correspondence
- 593. Book
- 594. Description
- 595. Dissertation
- 596. Compendium
- 597. Poetry
- 598. Prose
- 599. The Drama
Class V. Words Relating to the Voluntary Powers
suntingDivision I. Individual Volition
suntingSection I. Volition in General
sunting- 1. Acts Of Volition
- 600. Will
- 601. Necessity
- 602. Willingness
- 603. Unwillingness
- 604. Resolution
- 604A. Perseverance
- 605. Irresolution
- 606. Obstinacy
- 607. Tergiversation
- 608. Caprice
- 609. Choice
- 609A. Absence Of Choice
- 610. Rejection
- 611. Predetermination
- 612. Impulse
- 613. Habit
- 614. Desuetude
- 2. Causes of Volition
- 615. Motive
- 615A. Absence of Motive
- 616. Dissuasion
- 617. Pretext
- 3. Objects of Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
sunting- 1. Conceptional Volition
- 620. Intention
- 621. Chance
- 622. Pursuit
- 623. Avoidance
- 624. Relinquishment
- 625. Business
- 626. Plan
- 627. Method
- 628. Mid-Course
- 629. Circuit
- 630. Requirement
- 2. Subservience to Ends
- 1. Actual Subservience
- 631. Instrumentality
- 632. Means
- 633. Instrument
- 634. Substitute
- 635. Materials
- 636. Store
- 637. Provision
- 638. Waste
- 639. Sufficiency
- 640. Insufficiency
- 641. Redundancy
- 2. Degree of Subservience
- 642. Importance
- 643. Unimportance
- 644. Utility
- 645. Inutility
- 646. Expedience
- 647. Inexpedience
- 648. Goodness
- 649. Badness
- 650. Perfection
- 651. Imperfection
- 652. Cleanness
- 653. Uncleanness
- 654. Health
- 655. Disease
- 656. Salubrity
- 657. Insalubrity
- 658. Improvement
- 659. Deterioration
- 660. Restoration
- 661. Relapse
- 662. Remedy
- 663. Bane
- 3. Contingent Subservience
- 664. Safety
- 665. Danger
- 666. Refuge
- 667. Pitfall
- 668. Warning
- 669. Alarm
- 670. Preservation
- 671. Escape
- 672. Deliverance
- 3. Precursory Measures
- 673. Preparation
- 674. Nonpreparation
- 675. Essay
- 676. Undertaking
- 677. Use
- 678. Disuse
- 679. Misuse
Section III. Voluntary Action
sunting- 1. Simple Voluntary Action
- 2. Complex Voluntary Action
- 692. Conduct
- 693. Direction
- 694. Director
- 695. Advice
- 696. Council
- 697. Precept
- 698. Skill
- 699. Unskillfulness
- 700. Proficient
- 701. Bungler
- 702. Cunning
- 703. Artlessness
Section IV. Antagonism
sunting- 1. Conditional Antagonism
- 2. Active Antagonism
- 706. Hindrance
- 707. Aid
- 708. Opposition
- 709. Cooperation
- 710. Opponent
- 711. Auxiliary
- 712. Party
- 713. Discord
- 714. Concord
- 715. Defiance
- 716. Attack
- 717. Defense
- 718. Retaliation
- 719. Resistance
- 720. Contention
- 721. Peace
- 722. Warfare
- 723. Pacification
- 724. Mediation
- 725. Submission
- 726. Combatant
- 727. Arms
- 728. Arena
Section V. Results of Voluntary Action
sunting- 729. completion
- 730. noncompletion
- 731. success
- 732. failure
- 733. trophy
- 734. prosperity
- 735. adversity
- 736. mediocrity
Division II. Intersocial Volition
suntingSection I. General Intersocial Volition
sunting- 737. authority
- 737A. government
- 737B. politics
- 738. laxity
- 739. severity
- 740. lenity
- 741. command
- 742. disobedience
- 743. obedience
- 744. compulsion
- 745. master
- 746. servant
- 747. scepter
- 748. freedom
- 749. slavery, subjection
- 750. liberation
- 751. restraint
- 752. prison
- 753. keeper
- 754. prisoner
- 755. commission
- 756. abrogation
- 757. resignation
- 758. consignee
- 759. deputy
Section II. Special Intersocial Volition
sunting- 760. permission
- 761. prohibition
- 762. consent
- 763. offer
- 764. refusal
- 765. request
- 766. deprecation
- 767. petitioner
Section III. Conditional Intersocial Volition
sunting- 768. promise
- 768A. release from engagement
- 769. compact
- 770. conditions
- 771. security
- 772. observance
- 773. nonobservance
- 774. compromise
Section IV. Possessive Relations
sunting- 1. Property In General
- 775. Acquisition
- 776. Loss
- 777. Possession
- 777A. Exemption
- 778. Participation
- 779. Possessor
- 780. Property
- 781. Retention
- 782. Relinquishment
- 2. Transfer of Property
- 3. Interchange of Property
- 794. Barter
- 795. Purchase
- 796. Sale
- 797. Merchant
- 798. Merchandise
- 799. Mart
- 799A. Stock Market
- 799B. Securities
- 4. Monetary Relations
- 800. money
- 801. treasurer
- 802. treasury
- 803. wealth
- 804. poverty
- 805. credit
- 806. debt
- 807. payment
- 808. nonpayment
- 809. expenditure
- 810. receipt
- 811. accounts
- 812. price
- 812A. value
- 812B. worthlessness
- 813. discount
- 814. dearness
- 815. cheapness
- 816. liberality
- 817. economy
- 817A. greed
- 818. prodigality
- 819. parsimony
Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral Powers
suntingSection I. Affections in General
sunting- 820. Affections
- 821. Feeling
- 822. Sensibility
- 823. Insensibility
- 824. Excitation
- 825. Excitability
- 826. Inexcitability
Section II. Personal Affections
sunting1. Afeksi pasif
sunting- 827. Pleasure
- 828. Sakit Pain
- 829. Pleasurableness
- 830. Painfulness
- 831. Content
- 832. Discontent
- 833. Sesal Regret
- 834. Lega Relief
- 835. Marah Aggravation
- 836. Cheerfulness
- 837. Dejection (see depression)
- 838. Rejoicing
- 839. Lamentation
- 840. Amusement
- 841. Weariness
- 842. Wit
- 843. Dullness
- 844. Humorist
2. Discriminative Affections
sunting- 845. Beauty
- 846. Ugliness
- 847. Ornament
- 847A. Jewelry
- 848. Blemish
- 849. Simplicity
- 850. Taste
- 851. Vulgarity
- 852. Fashion
- 853. Ridiculousness
- 854. Fop
- 855. Affectation
- 856. Ridicule
- 857. Laughingstock
3. Prospective Affections
sunting- 858. Harapan Hope
- 859. Keputusasaan Hopelessness
- 860. Takut Fear
- 861. Keberanian Courage
- 862. Pengecut Cowardice
- 863. Sembrono Rashness
- 864. Hati-hati Caution
- 865. Desire
- 866. Indifference
- 867. Dislike
- 868. Fastidiousness
- 869. Satiety
4. Contemplative Affections
sunting- 870. Wonder
- 871. Expectance
- 872. Prodigy
5. Extrinsic Affections
sunting- 873. Repute
- 874. Disrepute
- 875. Nobility
- 876. Commonalty
- 877. Title
- 878. Pride
- 879. Humility
- 880. Vanity
- 881. Modesty
- 882. Ostentation
- 883. Celebration
- 884. Boasting
- 885. Insolence
- 886. Servility
- 887. Blusterer
Section III. Sympathetic Affections
sunting1. Afeksi sosial
sunting- 888. Pertemanan Friendship
- 889. Permusuhan Enmity
- 890. Teman Friend
- 891. Musuh Enimy
- 892. Sociality
- 893. Seclusion. Exclusion
- 894. Courtesy
- 895. Discourtesy
- 896. Congratulation
- 897. Cinta Love
- 898. Benci Hate
- 899. Favorite
- 900. Resentment
- 901. Irascibility
- [[901A. Sullenness
- 902. Endearment
- 903. Pernikahan
- 904. Selibat
- 905. Perceraian
2. Diffusive Sympathetic Affections
sunting- 906. Benevolence
- 907. Malevolence
- 908. Malediction
- 909. Threat
- 910. Philanthropy
- 911. Misanthropy
- 912. Benefactor
- 913. Evil Doer
3. Special Sympathetic Affections
sunting- 914. Pity
- 914A. Pitilessness
- 915. Condolence
4. Retrospective Sympathetic Affections
sunting- 916. Gratitude
- 917. Ingratitude
- 918. Forgiveness
- 919. Revenge
- 920. Jealousy
- 921. Envy
Section IV. Moral Affections
sunting1. Moral Obligations
sunting2. Moral Sentiments
sunting- 928. Hormat
- 929. Disrespect
- 930. Contempt
- 931. Approbation
- 932. Disapprobation
- 933. Sanjungan Flattery
- 934. Kecaman Detraction
- 935. Penyanjung Flatterer
- 936. Pengecam Detractor
- 937. Vindication
- 938. Tuduhan
3. Moral Conditions
sunting- 939. probity
- 940. improbity
- 941. knave
- 942. disinterestedness
- 943. selfishness
- 944. virtue
- 945. vice
- 946. innocence
- 947. guilt
- 948. good man
- 949. bad man
- 950. penitence
- 951. impenitence
- 952. atonement
4. Moral Practice
sunting- 953. temperance
- 954. intemperance
- 954A. sensualist
- 955. asceticism
- 956. fasting
- 957. gluttony
- 958. sobriety
- 959. drunkenness
- 960. purity
- 961. impurity
- 962. libertine
5. Moral Institutions
sunting- 963. legality
- 964. illegality
- 965. jurisdiction
- 966. tribunal
- 967. judge
- 968. lawyer
- 969. lawsuit
- 970. acquittal
- 971. condemnation
- 972. punishment
- 973. reward
- 974. penalty
- 975. scourge
Section V. Religious Affections
sunting1. Superhuman Beings and Regions
sunting2. Religious Doctrines
sunting- 983. teologi
- 983A. ortodoksi orthodoxy
- 984. heterodoksi heterodoxy
- 985. judeo-christian revelation
- 986. pseudo-revelation
3. Religious Sentiments
sunting- 987. piety
- 988. impiety
- 989. irreligion
4. Acts Of Religion
sunting5. Institusi keagamaan
sunting- 995. churchdom
- 996. ulama clergy
- 997. jemaah laity
- 998. ritus rite
- 999. kitab suci canonicals
- 1000. tempat ibadah temple