Indeks:Bahasa Inggris/singkatan

Indeks Bahasa Inggris: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzsing.

Kategori: Kata bahasa Inggris & pagefrom=singkatan

A.D. AAA AAAS AAU ACLS AEC AF AFL AID Ag Ala Alb. Am. Apr. Ariz. Ark. Atty. Gen Aug. B. Litt B.A. B.S. B.S.Ed. B.Th. Br. Brit. bros. C C C. C. Z. C.A. C.A.P. C.E. C.I.A C.S.A. CAA CAB CBS CEEB CIO CNO CON. CPA, C.P.A. CST Calif Capt. Card. Cels. Chin. Cmdr. Co Co. Colo. Com. Comdr. Comdt. Cong. Conn. Ct. Ctr. D. Litt. D. Mus. D. Sc. D.C.L. D.D. D.D.S. D.P.W. Da. Dan. Dec. Del. Dr. Du. EDT EEC, E.E.C. EST Ed.D. Ed.M. F FAA FBI, F.B.I. FCC, F.C.C. FTC Feb. Ft. G.B. G.O.P. GAO GHQ GNP, G.N.P. GPO, G.P.O. GSA Gent. Ger. Gk. Gmc Gov. Gov. Gen. Gr. Gr. Brit. Gt. Br., Gt. Brit H.I. H.R.H. HQ, H.Q. HR, H.R., H. Res. Heb. I'd I.D. I.R. I.R.S. ICC, I.C.C. IE, I.E. ILO IMF Ia Id(a). Ir. Ire. It(al). J.A.G. J.D. JCS, J.C.S. Jan. Jap. Jav. Jul. Jun Jun. Kans. Ky. L.A. L.C. L.H.D. L.I. LSD La. Lit. D. Ll.B Ll.D. Ll.M Ltd. M.A. M.S. M/Sgt MP MST Mar. Mass. Md. Me. Mex. Minn. Miss. Mont. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mt. N N.C. N.E.I. N.F. N.H. N.J. N.M(ex). N.R.O.T.C. N.S. N.Y. N.Y.C. N.Z. NASA NATO, N.A.T.O NBC NW Neb. Neth. Newf. Norw. Nov. O. O.T. OAS Oct. Okla. Ore(g). P.A. P.R. PR PST PTA, P.T.A. PWD, P.W.D. Pa. Pac. Par. Penn(a). Ph.B. Ph.D. Phil. Is. Phila. Pol. Port. Presb. Ps. Q.M.C. Q.M.G. R.A. R.D. R.I. R.R. R.S.V.P. RC, R.C. ROK ROTC, R.O.T.C. RY Rd. Reg. Rom. Rom. Cath. Rus. Russ. S S. AM. S.A. S.C. S.D. S.Dak S.Doc. S.J.D. S.P. S.P.C.A. S.Res. S/Sgt SEA SEATO, S.E.A.T.O. SS SW Sat. Scot. Scrip(t). Sem. Sen. Skt. Slav. Span. St. Ste Su. Sun. Sund. Sw. Swed. T.H. TVA, T.V.A. Test. Tex. Th. Th.D Thu. Thurs. Tu. Tues. Turk. U. UAR UN, U.N. US, U.S. USAF USCC USDA USIA USIS USMA, U.S.M.A. USMC USN USNA USNR USO USS USSR, E.S.S.R. Unesco, U.N.E.S.C.O. V.A. V.C. VA VOA VP, V.P. Va. Vt. W. W. Va. W.I. WA(A)C WAF WHO, W.H.O. Wed. Wis(c). Wm. Wy(o). Xmas YMCA, Y.M.C.A. YWCA, Y.W.C.A. a.c. a.m. acc. acct. accus. ad adc adj. adm adv. ain't alt. ann. anon. ans. ap apt. aren't assn. att. atty. avg. awol b. b.c. bbl bef. bf bibl. bibliog bldg. blvd. bn. bro. bu. bur. c-in-c c. of s. c.c. c.g. c.o.d. c/a c/o ca can't cap'n caps. cc cent. cf cg ch. ch. e. cir. cl. cm. cmdg. co-op., coop. col. coll. colloq. comm. comp. comsat conj. cons. const. cont. corp. couldn't cp. cpd. cpl. cu. cwt. d.c. d.s.c. d.s.t. d.t's. d.v.m. da, d.a. ddt, d.d.t. def. deg. dep. dept. dict. disc. dist. div. do. doc. don't doz. dp e.g. eccl(es). econ. ed. edit. ee el elect. elem. emcee enc. encl. eng. espec esq. eta etc. etd exc. ext. f. f.o.b. fasc. fed. fem. fig. fm, f.m. fn. for. fr. front. fy g.i. g.p. gals. geg. gen. geol. gmt, g.m.t. govt. guar. hdbk. hdqrs. he'd he'll he's hf hgt. hi-fi hp, h.p. hrs. ht. i'll i'm i. i.e. ibid. ibm icbm ill. illus. imp. inc. incl. ind. indc. inf. inst. instr. int. intrans. iou, i.o.u. iq., i.q. is. isl. isth. iud j. j.p. j.v. ja jaycee jayvee jct(n). jr. jt. junct. jus. k.p. km ko, k.o. kt. kw. l. l.c.d. l.s.t. lab. lang. lat. lb(s). lc lc, l.c. leg. lieut. liq. lit. loc. loc. cit. log, log. long. lp lt. lt.-col. lt.-comdr. ltr. m. m.c. m.p.h. m.v. masc. math. max. md, m.d. mem. mil. min. mm. mo. mos. ms mss mtg. mun. mus. n. n.c.o. n.d. n.e. n.g. nat. natl. neg. neut. no. nt. wt. num. o.k. obj. off. ont. opp. opt. ord. orig. oz. p. p.c. p.js. p.m. p.o. p.o.b. p.p.s. p.s. p.t.o. para. paren. part. pct. pd. pen. perf. pers. phil. phot. pk. pkg. pkw. pl. plen. plur. pos. poss. pow, p.o.w. pp. ppd. pr. prec. pref. prelim. prep. pres. prim. prin. proc. prof. pron. prov. prs pseud. pt. pts. pub. publ. pvt. pw, p.w. pwt. px q. and a. q.m. q.t. qto qtrs. quad quad. quar. quart. que. ques. quot. r. r.f.d. r.n. r.p.m. rec. ref. refl. regt. rel. rep. resp. ret. retd. rev. riv. rm. rpt. rt. rt. hon. rt. rev. rte. s. s.o.b. s.r.o. s.s. s/s sb. sc. sch. sci. se. s.e. sec'y sec. sect. secty. sent. sept. ser. sergt. serv. sess. sgt. she'd she'll she's shouldn't sig. sm. so. soc. sop sp. spec. sq. sq. ft. std ster. sub. sup. suppl. supt. t. t.p. t/o tbs(p) tech. tel. temp. term. terr. they'd they'll they're they've thou. tot. tpk(e) tr. trans. transl. treas. trop. twp ty. uhf ult. univ. upi, u.p.i. v. v.i. var. vb. vd veep vet. vip viz. vol. vols. vs. w. w.c. wasn't we'd we'll we're we've weren't whacha whaddya who'll who's wk(s) wo won't wouldn't wt. y. yd(s) you'd you'll you're you've yr(s).