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// A basic editor.js plugin, adds an EDIT button to the toolbox 
// which, when clicked, adds "hello world" to the entry.
// This is about as simple as it gets. There are more fun things you 
// can do, which are documented at [[User:Conrad.Irwin/Editor_docs]]
// or, failing that, in my head. 

$(function() //This code runs when body is loaded.
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:doMyEdit()', 'EDIT');
function doMyEdit()
    function addHelloWorldToWikitext(wikitext)
        return wikitext + "\nhello world";
    var editor = new Editor();
    // Just check they really want to
    if (confirm("Are you sure you want to add Hello World to this article?"))
        var bodyContent = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
        var nodeToInsert = newNode('p', 'hello world');
        var insertBefore = bodyContent.lastChild;
        while (insertBefore.className != "printfooter")
            insertBefore = insertBefore.previousSibling;
        // Register the edit, this causes the top-left box to show, and the Undo Redo buttons to activate.
        // The page is not saved until the user clicks save.
            // The function to call to change the wikitext
            edit: addHelloWorldToWikitext,
            // The function to call to change the HTML
            redo: function () { bodyContent.insertBefore(nodeToInsert, insertBefore); },
            // The function to call to unchange the HTML (REQUIRED so that undo works)
            undo: function () { bodyContent.removeChild(nodeToInsert); },
            // The node to highlight green so that the user notices there is an unsaved change (OPTIONAL)
            node: nodeToInsert,
            // The edit summary
            summary: "Added hello world to the end."
        // Display an error in the edit window in the top left.
        editor.error("You pressed cancel");